henry croft house haunted

Bonhams Fine Art Auctioneers and Valuers: auctioneers of art, pictures, collectables and motor cars Did these ever get reported online or in print or did you hear about them? Too scared to leave the confines of Christianity, but rebellious enough to shake a fist at it. You have an awesome blog and I look forward to reading more of your work. Franklyn Street Gymnasium, Nanaimo (Aboriginal Friendship Centres Youth Drop-in Centre) Built in 1922, the gym has a reputation for being haunted. And if others say there used to be a train connecting the two places, it would have been a convenience. My co worker told me about it but i cant seem to track it down online. Mount Tzouhalem, Duncan An apparition of a First Nations warrior has been reported, believed to be Chief Tzouhalem (forum). Might be worth looking into further. Thanks for adding Chris. That is these people dress in medieval cloths and have pitched battles. It had many things in it that would seem could be fake (news paper articles still lying around in a shed after so many years?) Nothing particularly threatening, just active. . This lake is cedar water and normally you cannot see the bottom during the day. It flew across the room and smashed the table right in front of Jess and Diane. I havent been able to find anything in print yet. Perhaps as the result of the violent . Also, pots and pans moving, lights turning off and on; one day working the morning shift I opened, no a soul or sound everything sleeping sound asleep at 5am, just came back to the front desk from opening the pub and gift shop, was walkingand a lady said my name, hurry come! I went upstairs to accounting to see of anyone was up there, no one, as well as the pub and dining room and kitchen. Quite interesting as I grew up on the Island and Cameron Lake has always held a special aura for me. On June 10, 1912, Josiah and Sarah Moore, their four children and two visiting children were murdered by ax in their beds inside this Iowa home. I liked that bit. Harbour House Hotel, Salt Spring Island(open) Audible phenomena and poltergeist activity is experienced. As mentioned, Herbert Croft, the seventeenth century Bishop of Hereford, is claimed to haunt Croft Castle. She shared about the dam as well. Beautiful Ocean, Breathtaking Mountains and Everything in Between. Thanks again for your comment. Only occasionally open to the public, Hycroft Manor now serves as a first-class venue for various UWCV meetings and events, private weddings, an annual Christmas craft show, and other special gatherings. Room number 4? We never could figure if she was able to do it herself, it didnt seem likely that she would have been able to stick her head out the bars, twist around, lift the latch and slide out the pin to open the door. Beautiful part of our Island. Before the whole thing happened and even after which caused me to believe I could have stopped it and I felt very guilty afterwards Other times Ill have the feeling Ive forgotten something and will need it later on in the day or when something bad will happen I am still afraid of the dark since it seems to just swallow me up without enough light to protect me too, I really dont know whats wrong with me and I need someone to explain these happenings And the most recent experiences are the past months Ive been seeing and hearing things, I would hear something fall but nothing did for example Oh and this one day I saw this floating head of a darker skin colour twice just floating and watching I have a thing for attracting Whatever these things are. Our forests need stewards from all walks of life, and some paths have proven to me at least to be more respectful than others. Thanks Jay! It would have to be from Newcastle I would think as the island is just a bunch of houses w. no real forest. Ive been doing some digging and havent come across anything at all yet. "HENRY BEIDLEMAN BASCOM STAPLER, son of James and Maria (Beidleman) Stapler, was born February 24, 1853, at Mobile, Ala. . Creepy place in the late 90s. Ill see if I can dig something up. At the end of Lake Trail Road (on your way to the old ghost town of Beban) as it hits the Comox Logging Road (Comox Lake Road) that goes out to the Rod & Gun Club/Comox Lake. She had scraggly hair and looked very thin. Both children saw the ghost, who would . One time they went with a few girls and decided to freak them out so one of them hid under a sleeping bag in the back of the truck and when they got up there they all got out of the truck and the guy under the sleeping bag got in the drivers seat and started driving around and the girls were screaming LEAVE US ALONE, STOOOOOP IT and one almost had a total meltdown before my friends said it was someone in the car. And never reported it to the authorities? Around the world, there are many tales of ghostly footsteps and glimpses of full-bodied apparitions. Im watching this episode at the moment. Awesome how the whole family joined in, giving the stories more credibility. That still isnt technically Cumberland, though, more Union. I grew up in the valley and always remember hearing things about witchs that would steal babies and sacrifice them there. The building really has a personality. Beban House, Nanaimo (Previous Tourism Nanaimo building) Several apparitions have been seen and poltergeist activity has been reported. Two of us felt extremely uneasy so we turned around to walk back to our vehicle. Some other religious groups and individuals use the word exorcism as well. Globe Hotel, NanaimoPrevious business staff had seen the apparition of a woman in an old-fashioned dress gliding down the stairs, or in the kitchen. Garden Reach, Cheltenham. You wouldnt catch me handling those things in fear of some sort of curse! If anyone comes across any leads it would be much appreciated. I dont know how old the girl that drowned was, but why would she go out on a dock in the middle of the night? Took my cousins dog for a walk there one day, he stopped about 50 feet from the lookout and growled/barked like crazy (that was the first and only time I heard him bark). Three things wrong here: I can garentee you a good 90% of the buildings are haunted in the area including residential. I live on Vancouver Island, near the town of Crofton. The Historical AF Podcast, Enter If You Dare!! Now that is cool. Keep a journal, find the blogs of Llewelyn authors, and keep reading until you find someone who thinks like you do. They had been hanged at the entrance of the harbour as an example for all to see. This is not really surprising at all, as there are reports and sightings of Sasquatch swimming between islands and between islands and the mainland. In the night, Wyatts toys start turning on without any batteries why do ghosts always do that? Or even make those who lived where it happened clean it up? If so that would be great! Hi Sharie that sounds an awful lot like the lights i saw over the straight between Nanaimo and the mainland. The one on gabriola island happen sometime ago, the fella that seen this one had stayed over night at a friends of his and he seen it early in the morning when he was about to use the outhouse. Most memorable was Welshmans attic, a long loft accessible by a twisted, seventeenth century green oak staircase. I can even get the guys name for you if you like. We watched for almost 45 minutes and finally went to bed. Haunted by Henry (Season 3, Episode 2): As kids, Wyatt and Jessica were haunted by the ghost of Henry Croft, who used to run the town's mining business. I remember backing out of the long drive way and never really being able to find it again and probably for good reason too. Every word is true. Always kinda creepy going in early in the morning. Born in Australia, Croft moved to England at a young age and was educated there. Mermaids Mug, Nanaimo(Yours & Mine) In the same forum, a previous owner claimed customers had reported seeing an apparition. (Image source: Public Domain) In 2013, the castle closed to the public so that major renovation work could be carried out. Retrieved 06/03/2020. These are both awesome stories. Thanks Teri! Ive heard some interesting ghost stories from a woman who worked there long after the Residential School closed. Thanks for sharing Sue! The lake is less than 5 km from the mysterious monkey sighting (MDA) as well. Any idea about that? Having acquired a legendary status after his death, he is said to be awaiting the call to return and liberate his people, in a similar manner to the mythical figure of Arthur. Thanks for sharing. Thank you in advance for any information. Adelaide house too, found the same things. Hello, Carmen..the location of this door is about 3/4 of a mile north of the Cassidy rest area and Hotel that would be on your right hand side looking north.this is a totally obscure doorway that seems totally out of place there, has no roads going to it but would be accessible with military vehicles. The Salvation Army demolished it around January 31, 1960 and the Matson Sunset Lodge, a senior home, was built on the property. Did you see Anthonys (original) comment/experience below? Ive heard stories of ghostly encounters where the body is found and laid to rest and the hauntings stop. The High School student had a very strange occurance. Maps show no listing for a lee la lynn road anywhere. The suicide? I remain unconvinced that it is ethical to charge people for these services which is usually the case. The school closed that day because of the tragedy and my sister was home at the time. I would guess that it would have something to do with WWII? Im from the Coombs port alberni area and Im curious if anyone on here has any information about a large abandoned building right around the Coombs junction. For sure Damien! It certainly doesnt help that its full of giant dolls in grim tableaus (that would have been my start the car, honey moment.) Then I turned on my head lights and when they hit the Wolf, Now normally I would say the eyes would shine like any other animal when light is put on them at night but the oddest thing was that there were no eyes at all. Thanks a lot for sharing! I found this episode really interesting. Thank you for sharing! The island at the mouth of the bay is said to have been used as a First Nation Cemetery. I almost think now that the hauntings on Newcastle may not even be ghost; eventhough, I have had ghostly phenomina happen to me. By now the interior had been redressed, with the furnishings and portraits returned to the rooms. Very cool, Thanks again Mary! Ive always thought it looked creepy. I can help clear up a couple of stories Mount Sicker, Chemainus, is indeed the sight of the ghostly woman Ive never heard of her being headless, but even more freaky is her sudden appearance in front of vehicles on the dark mountain road. You have a great day. Thanks Crystal! A wolfs eyes should also shine at night when hit with light just like any other dog/canine. Thanks for the link Andrew! Creepiest room. ! So they walked up to him and my mom said Do you know what happened to the house that was right here? and he said You shouldnt snoop around on someones property, you never know what could be there Creeped out my moms brother quickly said My sister had an encounter with someone last night and we were just coming to talk to them but I guess we have the wrong house and the man smiled and said No, this is probably it.. You wouldnt believe the crazy things that happen out here and then he started walking away.. To this day my mother has not gone back. Cool, creepy place, Hi Shannon, thanks a lot for this blog page. Ive found very few accounts of anything from the Port Hardy area online and I dont know anyone from there at all, so I appreciate that aspect of your story well. both these stories happened in the last 10 & 15years. There are believed to be spirits there, as well. Thanks again. The spirit is said to be a former head dancer who was killed when the location was a strip bar, but there are no records of this and it would not explain the old-fashioned dress. Neighbours have seen an apparition in an upstairs window of a man with a handlebar mustache. Retrieved 06/03/2020. I was surprised to hear that there are Sasquatch sightings on Newcastle and Gabriola Islands. Furthermore, the Siwash Hill entities may actually have been two separate spirits. VERY CREEPY. . When I was 20 I delivered Pizza there oddly enough. I will watch the episode in the near future and if I come across anything I will post another answer to your comment. . Herbert Croft was responsible for the rebuilding of Croft Castle after it was destroyed during the English Civil War. The high qualities of citizenship embodied In Mr. Crofts character, his ever present spirit of cheer and optimism, and the charm of his personality won him many close friends, who will learn of his passing with deep sorrow. The lake itself is often said to be bottomless, but is listed as being 40 meters (131 feet) deep at its deepest point in Russel Mussios 2008 edition ofFishing Mapbook: Vancouver Island. I havent actually. Thanks Shanon, Horrid Henry's Haunted House - YouTube 0:00 / 14:00 Horrid Henry's Haunted House 19,065 views Dec 29, 2019 134 Dislike Share Save Gilby1385 11.2K subscribers If you are the owner of this. Ahousaht has done a lot to heal the land and area youre talking about including ceremony and opening it up as a campground. If he saw the two together he said he usually went inside immediately. He once led an unsuccessful attack on Fort Victoria and his powers are said to have been feared by First Nations people along the east coast of the island. I wanted to know a bit more about the history of our new home and its town, and happened to pick up a book on Sproat Lake Sproat Lake Reflections and read about how east coast tribes would raid the Hupacasath band at their fishing and hunting sites. Everything in the house was quite old, and you knew when the door latched shut, you could hear it from anywhere in the house. Once you have the historical info you can ask about the episode and mention the haunting as a follow up question. Saw these on 2 different occasions about 8 months or more apart. go over the trees then Explode into an extremely bright flash of yellow light. Thanks for clarifying this Charlotte its much appreciated! I have driven this road a million times and the airport light does NOT look like that. also does any one know anything about the black cougar or big black cats on the island my grandpa was a logger and said hes seen them on the loggin roads and inbetween port alberni and ucluelet , my uncle has said to see it a few times and my dad seen it when he was mushroom picking. Lol. He said they howling was right by his property and he figured they were interested in his unfixed female at that time. I appreciate you bringing up the topic of Indigenous burial hauntings in a sensitive way. He said it was just the lights at the nearby airport. Good information about the birds as well. Thanks for sharing Marlena! Courthouse, Nanaimo (open) During the trial of Brother XII, a type of spiritual warfare was conducted between Brother XII & the disenfranchised members of the Aquarian Foundation and others who dared to bring him to court. Schooner Restaurant, Tofino(open) An apparition of a male has been reported. Seven ghosts are known to roam this 20,000 square foot, 30-room structure. Unless the phenomena of the BF has nothing to do with a real creature? Keeha Beach (Bay), BamfieldTheres an oral tradition on Vancouver Island of this beach being a sacred or holy place where several people have had personal experiences. Do you know anything about exorcisms? These are just a few in this area. There are some comments below about this site as if you are interested as well. I was fortunate enough to help the museum with some of their research. Many buildings are haunted as is the graveyard. Many of these stories are told in full, complete with images. In 1291 Isolda then widow of William de. Thanks for your comment Courtney! Hi Kelly, if it was the Haunted show on Netflix Haunted by Henry I have not watched it. I continued on to Duncan and my deliveries and reported to my employer that I accidentally broke my window and withheld the other details of the accident for fear of ridicule from my Employer and co-workers. He was one of the first men In British Columbia to develop ore bodies on Vancouver Island, and for some years he operated the Lenora-Mount Sicker Copper Mining Company. That is very interesting and a bit scary, about the influences spirit children have on ours (as well as adult spirits im sure). The second was of an apparition of a woman with a hideous face nothing like a human face without arms and legs. Haunted season 3, episode 1 recap - "In the Pines" is surprisingly decent for an episode of Haunted, with a likable narrator, even if its cabin in the woods story is pretty old hat. Especially that episode where they thought the dad was a serial killer. It is possible there may also be sasquatch ghost too. This recap of Haunted season 3, episode 2, Haunted By Henry, contains spoilers. Esquimalt, was completed. Parents who want to encourage this gift are often very careful not to tell the child that the experience is imaginary in the hopes they will continue to experience this to the same level. I did my digging at the community centre and the library in Chemainus. ! He asked, You saw it too, huh? That really bright yellow flash? He nodded. Kind of . The cannibal witch is called a wendigo by the the first nations people back east. Ive never heard of this. What Ive actually learned from watching too much mindless television, is that UFO sightings over lakes are actually quite common for some reason. Thanks Sharie! Ive for sure seen her around. People are quite upon about the mill being haunted There is a little Chinese cemetery quite close to it which is made up of many many young children. Cedar Point, De Courcy Island, and Valdez Island are all connected to the historic Brother XII cult, which has been linked to paranormal activity around the historic properties on these islands as well as in Cedar. About your cousins man that would have been a First Nations grave site. Im really interested in the story about the dude with the wolf/dog too. If you would like to hear me, feel free to shoot me an email! Ive been to Coal Harbour but dont think I ever went to the school property. As well as being remembered as the last native Welshman to hold the title Prince of Wales, Glyndr is also cherished as a Welsh folk hero. If youre looking for local areas that might be haunted I actually have leads on a couple in your area that Ive kept off the list. Henry Croft, founder of Crofton In 1900, Henry Croft purchased land at Osborne Bay for a smelter and townsite. Mr. Croft entered the brokerage business in Victoria and while thus engaged devoted a great deal of attention to the mining industry in various sections of the Province.

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