Instructor Zero is an Italian social media star who has gained populairty through the eponymous Instagram account. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Older post: Now Serving Forward Of The Muzzle Needs, Newer post: Kirsten Joy Weiss Talking Dry Firing. mgr Marta Makowiak-Wierzba Have you seen EVERY video? What follows is the only legit info I can gather on the guy. His name is Jeco Biccelli. He did his 12 month conscription stint in the Italian Army Or After the why .40s suck video, I never watched anything from the excessively swollen skull guy James Yeager again and I have even less desire to meet or otherwise train under him. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Any use of this content without express written consent is prohibited. Thought he released a video basically telling everyone he wasn't going to release his background as he wanted viewers to focus on his shooting ability and not background. DoD often farms out niche training to contractors as it is easier to do so rather than reinvent the wheel, and Zero knows his stuff when it comes to small arms, so the Corps likely got its Euros worth out of the training. I personally would never pay for one of their classes I just dont see where its practical. I like his vid's for entertainment, nothing more. The bullet points mean absolutely nothing to me, but they sure sound fancy. Lots of good schools out there. Now go make me a sammich. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. 2. Gunsite is old-school, classic and historic. Pretty funny guy to watch and a fast, accurate shot. Which has more dick-waving? I'd love to sit and just talk with the guy as he has an enthusiasm level that doesn't seem all that common in this industry. There was this famous fight of some aikido master years ago where he was supposedly unbeatable, there were videos of him taking out his entire class as they attacked him, all while barely touching them due to the strength of his qui. Something along those lines. At least thats been my experience. Living in New York City at the moment, I find their attitude refreshing. Zero was military and trains in SOF circles. He's the anti-yeager. More so than Mil Spec Monkey. AR15.COM is the world's largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. The name is..TimberlakeGrant Timberlake bitches! *Must have a registered ARFCOM account to win. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Take whats good from them, and discard the bad. (unlike overweight, wannabe contractors he's use to) Yeager back pedals and puts up a short video stating he can't wait to meet zero and train with him. Ive owned 9 mm. Wicej informacji znajdziecie Pastwo w naszej Polityce prywatnoci, Zasady postpowania w trakcie trwania pandemii COVID-19, Dofinansowanie ze rodkw budetu pastwa, E-DNI OTWARTE XXV LICEUM OGLNOKSZTACCEGO W KRAKOWIE, XI Maopolski Konkurs Pieni i Poezji Patriotycznej. Two idiots get their panties in a twist and TTAG treats it like its breaking news or something.why exactly??? A clown that you should stop watching and go learn from a real instructor, preferably one from gunsite or Travis Haley. He is waaaay too close to h Ive trained with James Yeager on several occasions and I would gladly train with Zero if he ever posts a resume and opens up shop. From hunters and military members, to competition shooters and general firearm enthusiasts, we welcome anyone who values and respects the way of the firearm. LOL true true. Robert Farago has 0 credibility. has worked from the African Savannah to the jungle of Southeast Asia or South America, from the American desert to the African one or South American, as well as in extremely special urban contexts. psycholog(at), Biblioteka Instructor Zero (feat. Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. About Zero? Our guest is Instructor Zero, a guy that many of you in the world of firearms are familiar with. Nick's career took off when he became a sniper. Yeager does it too him self. He's my first pick in my zombie apocalypse fantasy draft. Przepraszamy! If its negotiating a deal or looking for out of the box problem solving, you may be, but thats not part of an engineering curriculum. the fact remains the same the guy can shoot and he can shoot great so there is still something you can learn from him without a doubt. You are a stupid ignorant idiot. In this master class, learn what the big and small defense contractors are looking for and how to prepare Marines selected to be part of the Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany Security Augment Force received weeklong classroom and Former Navy SEAL shares his life story of his journey as a young kid growing up in Washington State Jeff Nichols and Stew Smith discuss training throughout the year so you see change of seasons, change your training Stew Smith covers the super efficient combat swimmer stroke (css). The man himself is from Italy, he has an accent. You will receive an email every Friday morning featuring the latest chatter from the hottest topics, breaking news surrounding legislation, as well as exclusive deals only available to ARFCOM email subscribers. "I never learned from a man who agreed with me.". 2 oglnego rozporzdzenia o ochronie danych osobowych z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016r., Glad I went to bed before seeing this clickbait. Ive heard him talk and he sounds like someone I could learn a few good things from. First issue I have is his reluctance to divulge background/credentials. check out the. Sign up for the ARFCOM weekly newsletter and be entered to win a free ARFCOM membership. I look forward to getting back to actual gun-related news. Meh.doubtful. Stay in the know. I know its an old post, but I just came across these two characters. Stefana eromskiego w Krakowie. I just meet zero and I got the same impression from him as well I have no doubt be is the real deal. Zeros skills are unquestionable. Entering a room while flagging his muzzle and failing to clear his corner makes him lookeuntrained, but what do I know? If you want to see a movie that spoofs this very concept of style trumping experience, check out the old Rock Hudson film Mans Favorite Sport. ALL these internet Experts are Losers & Wannabes! Analyzed, how he works? >caring about a dickwaving contest between an angry retard and an innkeeper, Yeager seems 100% qualified to be a genuine ninjitsu instructor. 1 i ust. Not just this Instructor Zero nonsense. If you win the Superbowl - you're a "World Champion" too. the mirror shooting is a little outlandish but overall cool videos. To paraphrase an old saw, Those who can do! by Popularyzator. Not enough Death Blossom for me. Instructor Zero is a confirmed former 'folgore' (Italian Airborne). People do not seem to realize that the Navy SEALs and delta scour the earth looking for the best fighting methods they possibly can and in their pursuits they have used guys such as Paul Vunak and the Gracies to train them as well as the sayco kali guys and none of those people were military but still the Navy SEALs and delta utilize them for training. All Rights Reserved. I like zero. Just gonna use this thread to call Yeager a giant loud mouthed douche. When I saw that I almost spit my iced tea all over the screen. 12,519 talking about this. I thought he was just a regular army dude. I have not seen either teach. No matter how operator you are, basic skills dont just get dropped. Yeager NEVER killed any badguys in that encounter, its nonsense put out by his fanboys. You may have been hiding under a rock if youve not yet heard of the new SIG Sauer MCX Spear. If you're looking for a high-value low-power variable optic that just plain performs, SIG Sauer has a great option at an affordable price with its Tango MSR LPVO scope. George Orwell, 1984. 180gr SD loads tamed it a little bit because they are loaded more conservatively. Maybe you should learn facts before running your big mouth. I have met Zero, and he was extremely humble, gracious, and kind, the complete opposite of Yeager. For the record, James Yeager stole all his original training material from Gabe Suarez. Much different than the videos. Do you shoot yourself a gun? After all isn't that simply -. I feel a little dirty, but I agree with Sexy Rex. As far as shoot ability, yeah theres no way around it, my former Glock 22 shooting 165gr Gold Dots was almost unpleasant to shoot. All Rights Reserved, Instructor Zero surfaces with U.S. Marines in Italy (VIDEO). Instructor Zero has designed a Glock tool in collaboration with an Italian company called Extrema Ratio . This website uses cookies to improve your experience. All done with no sweat while the tactical mullet flows over his shoulders like a Vidal Sassoon commercial, only with more cordite. That qualified him to be an expert.. Instructor Zero | Military Background 424,632 views Aug 31, 2014 Follow Funker Official here: more more Dislike Share Funker Who is a good teacher, and can they teach what you want to learn. I think the language barrier hurts him alot. You know that Yeager is the most anti-open-carry person to every anti-open-carry, right? Didn't get to see Yeager's apology video, what did he say. Italian SF or marines. Zeros videos are fun to watch because he has skills, and trick shots are cool to see, but to conclude from those videos alone that that is all he has to offer is ridiculous. Zero. I enjoy his stuff. Got an idea, not necessarily a good one, but an idea nonetheless. I may not pay him for a class anytime soon but I still probably wouldnt challenge him to a gun fight. You want the utmost professionalism and a distinct no-nonsense relative lack of bullshit, train with Haley Strategic. SIG Sauer MCX Review: Next-Gen Modern Sporting Rifle? What i use, is merely pinches of salt, out of his techniques. 5 minutes of research would reveal, he owns his own company and spent the last decade training military and police forces world wide. Joanna Stanoch That is what matters. Vickers Tactical has lots of expertise and experience. In typical Yeager fashion, he made claims that Zero is not an actual instructor and it's just a persona he puts on for youtube. Former Italian paratrooper and current international bearded man of mystery, Instructor Zero, popped up in a series of images released by the Pentagon this month. is to research, create and improve technical products for the Copyright 2013-2022 Pentagon S.A. All Rights Reserved. WTF is this, some pop sugar quasi gun-celebrity gossip blog? Telimeny 9, 30-838 Krakw, numer telefonu: 126585070, adres e-mail: dyrektor(at), 2023 XXV LO im. Yoo haff to shoooooot wiff ze boolets into ze target soo zat yoo gets de heets. Foreign SF.? I'd imagine many instructors would Listen, Im a computer nerd for a living, I cant speak to his correct or incorrect tactics when entering a room. Now taking into account for sake of argument he turns out to be a fake with fake military background. Zero replied by calling Yeager a salesmen and pretty much said whats on everyone's minds about James. I later learned that some of the giants of that time had feet of clay, but they all possessed one common skill, the ability to spin a yarn. But it doesnt matter. Instructor Zero himself make this argument in the video above. It seems the Devils of Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Crisis Response-Africa (SPMAGTF-CR-AF) recently took an advanced shooting course with Zero, who serves as a chief instructor with Spartan 360 Tactical Defense, at a live-fire range near Naval Air Station Sigonella, Italy. Pretty funny guy to watch and a fast, accurate shot. I know how read and read what he wrote. The Official Fan Page of Instructor Zero Official Channel: Id be happy to train with Jeff Bloovman (Armed Dynamics). Yeager ran for cover and returned fire, killing 2, after the baddies were down he ran back to try to help that guy who unfortunately passed. south beach state park; autonomic nervous system pharmacology slideshare. It took all of 5 seconds to find Zeros qualifications as he has stated. Personally, I look for professionalism when seeking trainers. Ahh de point of dis drill is when ahhh de gun goes cold you use it as a velocity projectile to de ahh target. Takes his gun out of the fight as soon as possible. If, according to some, I'm not supposed to put much stock in a guy because he's "only Airborne, not SOF" or "he hasn't won on a square range with rules" - why the FUCK should I listen to you unless you've also done those things? It is serious training and not unusual to have the opportunity to run through a class with active SWAT/SRTofficers and military operators as part of the class mix. All of these schools have their own marketing niche. Those who cant teach! Sign up for the ARFCOM weekly newsletter and be entered to win a free ARFCOM membership. Yeager was a cop in a tiny Tennessee town, Big Sandy, until the mayor fired him. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Maybe it is factual. Oh.. no its just a slow news day at TTAG. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. I have never seen Zero clear a corner correctly and sometimes he fails to clear at all. Regardless, Zero can handle guns far better than Yaeger. The very best understand that there are multiple choices which are often compromises that are judgment calls and often dependent on a persons risk assessment/tolerance. I think Zero reminds me of Macho Man Randy Savage! Zero does not. Read the aar- he dumped half a mag randomly and ran away into the ditch, where he laid until the badguys left. Agree, Zero is fun to watch because he has lots of flash and wow, but I wonder just how well all the tactical ballet would hold up in a real fight. Be open minded. Rumors are floating around that he was 'Reggimento Acquisizione Obiettivi' (Some kinda Special Recon and Survey team the Italians have.). Guns designed around the caliber (i.e. I dont have a dog in the fight, but Ive been told by a couplesources, and a couple commenters said that some things are coming down the pipeline so if thats true something tells me my popcorn consumption might increase regardless what the news is. The truth about guns is this: 99.99% of TTAG readers will never get a chance to meet or train with either of the fellows involved in this little internet-based pissing match. Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). Who gives a flying fuck? But not enough for him to be calling out Yeager. All go by their real names and have real, verifiable backgrounds. [ARCHIVED THREAD] - Ok, who is 'Instructor zero? He's not going to talk about who has the longest dick, who can or did take Baghdad by himeself etc. Agent Zero or whomever comes off like the lead henchman is a bad straight-to-DVD Bond film knockoff, circa 1998. No blind, jingoistic brand loyalty, no shit-talking, no treating theories as fact, and no stupid, dangerous videogame-inspired stunts. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. There are plenty of great instructors like Costa, Haley, Farnam and vickers. Or a little more than zero. Frankly I wouldnt train with Yeager, and I wouldnt be inclined to train with Zero unless I knew more about him. Im smarter, more knowledgeable, and more capable than almost every engineer Ive ever met. The reason why this is questionable? So we have no reason to care. Here is the thing. Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Who he is and how has he been able to train over 40 Special Forces Units? There is something about saying nothing that speaks volumes. Furthermore, government organizations tend to use resources that are free, low-cost or inherent to their own organizations, i.e. Why should I take your opinion on his qualifications to teach me something or to simply enjoy watching someone shoot really well if you're not SOF/IPSC champion yourself? Just seems his skill sets is that of a very high level shooter most likely some foreign special forces type stuff. I kinda miss giving him a well-deserved kick in the nuts. Ladies, ladies Youre both pretty. By signing up you agree to's I emailed a question about the ability to train with both a small concealed carry 9mm (single stack high recoil) and an easier to shoot Glock 19. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Taming the SFAR: How Ruger's Small-Frame .308 Runs Suppressed. It made my decision easy. Copyright 1996-2023 AR15.COM LLC. pedagog1(at) Copyright 1996-2023 AR15.COM LLC. Personally, I believe both of them shot OBL. *Must have a registered ARFCOM account to win. Strategic design, analysis, study & implementation of security protocols for three high security clearance sites relating to I*** (Highest National Clearance) He is a skilled shooter and does some neat drills, but a lot of it is either impractical or difficult to safely pull off. The only messages he wants to send are A: Guns are freaking awesome, and B: There are far more bad operators than there are bad guns, and you can get good with just about anything. Am I the only one who thinks WWE whenever I read something like this? Did he deny in this video what Yeager was saying? Extrema Ratio is an older knife company in Italy. President/Head Instructor: Spartan 360 Tactical Defence Group Wszelkie prawa zastrzeone. Is this VH1? No mention of how this story is weeks old? Despite the YouTube branding, he seems to be a genuinely decent guy in real life. He uses copious amounts of tactical woo and tries to appeal to his so-called background. 5 minutes of research would reveal, he owns his own Write it behind your own ears (there you can see im a connational): We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. We got our hands on one of the original MCXs for some testing. So no mention of the James Yeager apology to Zero? B2B | Dealers Area, Free shipping on orders over: 99 E.U. He is all the rage on the interweb right nowseems to me he teaches some goofy things Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. Valor Ridge is like Tactical Response without most of the chest-thumping and my opinions are facts and everyone else is a fucking idiot attitude. Instructor Zero and Funker tactical are frauds. lol, Instructor Zero thread has now become a Buck Yeager thread. I, for sure, am not. Former Instructor 5th Assault Battalion, Italian Military Folgore Parachute Brigade Subscribe to receive new product releases, exclusive discount codes, invites to special events and more. However, its not hard to figure most of the stuff out about him. I.Z. Lets be real. Just curious. His page shows him training with people all the time who are obviously not weekend warriors. Todd Green) [Intro] Shoooooooooooooot.. [Chorus - instructor zero] When the profile is to low for ya Drop it in a sock Drop it in a sock Drop it in a sock When the holster cost to much for ya Drop it in a sock Drop it in a sock Drop it in a sock And if the mission has no latitude Drop it in a sock Drop it in a sock You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Holy smoke, I couldnt watch either one of them. All Rights Reserved. With over 351835+ followers, Instructor Zero is deemed as one of the GIT U SUM. He is always very, very tactically dressed. He always has. biblioteka(at), Zgodnie z art. Dont know much about Yeager but I had a beer with zero last fall. Celebrity BodyGuard, Martial Artist, Fight Choreographer and all around Tough-Guy Fred Mastro demonstrates one of, Paolo Simeone a tactical trainer former military with more than 20 years of experience in, Doug Marcaida is an Edge Impact Weapon specialist who has an extensive background in Filipino. Hopefully contemporary Italians (from Italy) are not all like that. He said that 40s are harder to shoot than 9mm and/or 45ACP. What's the big deal about that? Do we really need a play by play on this Farago? Subscribe to our monthly Newsletter to receive firearm news, product discounts from your favorite Industry Partners, and more. Obvious because this website is called The Truth About Guns. Subscribe to our monthly Newsletter to receive firearm news, product discounts from your favorite Industry Partners, and more. Moderation is for cowards.Defcon3 2019. >Yet I never went to college. Bachelor Degree: He has lots of stuff there that never makes it to YouTube. Posts. @CRF, dont take a word Dustin says to mean anything. Instructor Zero Official me on TeamZeroChannel @yonsog27 @teamzerostore @iss_0Follow @mrs.zero__. Yeah, gotta love that cool under fire mantra that had him stall out a manual and ditch the vehicle. Instructor Zeros c.v., as outlined by this video, is much too vague for me. As far as I understand it, Instructor Zero is ex-Italian special forces and he doesn't teach competitive shooting or take part in it. Apparently he Why? True to the motto "Action is faster than reaction" we prepare ourselves as well as possible - whether it happens or not. I care less. As for questioning an instructors credentials, sure, why not? You want to waste your money and train with them? Look behind closed doors and hear from one Commander as to what differentiates this tactical instructor. Not a fan of yeager-now I have to check out the Zero dude, Didnt Dire Straits record a song about these two guys? Yeager only shoots with his ass out of his mouth. Bachelor Degree: Investigation and Security Sciences 110\110 cum Laude Then one day he leaves his class and challenges someone with actual fighting experience and gets his nose broken and then knocked out stone cold within the first minutes because his flashy choreographed training fights didnt hold up to a real world attack. What, no Hells Bells in the van? Takes his gun out of the fight as soon as possible. I kind of feel like I have to apologize. Need Help?service@guns.comCall (866)582-4867, PO Box 1131 13800 Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 Those who cant do either, post on Youtube. Sarcasm aside, Ill admit Ive never heard of either instructor, but Im from an older generation that was limited to reading the often exaggerated hunting, shooting, and combative exploits of others. Funker Tacticals resident combat arms instructor is well known in YouTube gun circles for his unorthodox training techniques including shooting with a plastic bag over his head, or dragging a parachute behind him, or drilling steel plates with a 1911 like a machine while he has a steel plate bobbing over his forearms. Instructor Zero. . Check out's original video series today. In challenging someone to a gunfight, it works best if they dont know you are there. Not enough Death Blossom for me. Hilarious! Yeager is a small town cop who went to Iraq as a hired gun with no experience when they would pay anyone to go there. A former Instructor of the 5th Assault Battalion, Italian Military Folgore Parachute Brigade. Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. TTAG is no exception to this rule, which would explain its popularity. And yet TTAG keeps calling him a guru for some unknown reason. These cookies do not store any personal information. I have limited time to train and need the maximum benefit from the training I receive to make sure its relevant and useful later on. 3. Someone just needs to hurry up and lock them both in the Thunderdome already. I imagine that a trainer/coach need not be terribly skilled/experienced shooters themselves just know how to teach the techniques and evaluate progress. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Bringing in outside contractors to teach anything always gets scrutinized heavily. Ive had just about enough of this tacti-drama. What did Yaeger do as an example? I like zero. AR15.Com reserves the right to overwrite or replace any affiliate, commercial, or monetizable links, posted by users, with our own. Back in my day less than 50% survived to the point of applying to a particular engineering college. The tool is called GT Zero and it is rather a firearm multi-tool than only a Glock tool. For better or worse, we know Yeagers background. Only thing i would take James Yeagers advice on is how to hide in a ditch. Resumes mean nothing. Anyways. Of course, my anecdote doesnt prove anything other than cancel out your anecdote 1 for 1. Careful! All Rights Reserved. Didn't get to see Yeager's apology video, what did he say. Funker Tactical has the machine running at 18,000 rpm as always: Tap, rack, bang but why? ROFL I died. I would avoid them both and just head down to the local tactical training outfit partnered up with your local range. Fair enough? I've seen some of his videos. is to research, create and improve technical products for the civil market and for the L.E./MIL and professionals.
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