13 reasons why tony and clay kiss

He found Hannahs beanie and gave it to Olivia. With the tapes, she is able to penetrate his psyche, telling her everything she wants him to know about her story. Bledar Hyskaj 944 subscribers Clip of The 13 Reasons Why Season 2 Episode 2 (2x2) "Two Girls Kissing" scene Skye is insecure about Clay's fixation with his deceased crush, made all the. The last tape only has a side 13. He then inquires about Tonys sexuality and how he knew he was gay, clearly an attempt finding answers to questions about his own sexuality.[38]. 13 Reasons Why Season 2 NETFLIX The cassette describes an important party, that Clay On the way to the party, Hannah walks past her old house. A riot breaks out at the school due to the treatment of students by SROs. Hannah had also told Tony about this girl she bullied, so Tony went to the girl's house to tell her that Hannah was a good person and sorry for what she did. Tony's little sister Graciella came to visit Tony at the garage. Clay confronted Tony about not informing him about his family getting deported and selling his car to Bryce. This is the one fair fight in my life, Tony was Hannah's only friend from high school at the scene where. But there was something in the way Tony literally stalks Clay's every move which suggests that it went further than that. Alex, Tyler, Courtney, Marcus, who each helped to destroy my reputation. Cookie Notice Because Tony's on the witness list, he had to use his brother's ID to get in. Tony got angry and immediately wanted to get it, but Tyler wanted to handle it himself. Tyler offers to be his cutman. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? Next, the gun goes off in Clay and Tony's direction as they keep shouting not to shoot Tyler. He also notices that Tony is a boxer by a glance at his calloused hands. Someone is watching the tape recipients to ensure that the rules are followed. Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! Hannah arranged to meet Justin at Eisenhower Park. The next day, after listening to the tapes all night, Clay approached Tony at the school cafeteria. Tony wasn't on the tapes and he also took no part in the making of the tapes. Turns out, Hannah had come to Tony's house to deliver the tapes but he didn't answer the door. There is nothing better than watching TV for entertainment at any age. Clay wonders why hes fighting, but Tony says he got no choice. Plot Summary Clay Jensen doesn't know why Hannah Baker committed suicide, but he's about to find out. for a customized plan. It doesn't take place in a single night. 13 Reasons Why Season 2 Episode 2 Two Girls Kissing REACTION! When he gets called to the office, Tony follows suit and tails him to see if hes telling the truth. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Hannah breaks down the events and why they happened, stating that the student touched her without her permission, and then became aggressive instead of apologizing. Their relationship didn't work out, but they remained friendly with each other. After thinking about what's best for Hannah he then hands over a copy of the tapes to Olivia and Hannah's father Andrew at the end of the first season. Tony Padilla; Clay Jensen's Parents; Brad (13 Reasons Why) Mention of Tony's Parents; Tony kidnaps Clay; its for his own good; He has permission; Bathing/Washing; Sleepy Cuddles; Clay is a precious bean; Little cottage in the woods; Non-con drugs (Its just a melatonin gummy) but I'm tagging for it anyway; Summary Season four of 13 Reasons Why is now available to stream on Netflix. Clay mentioned that he shouldve been there for Tony and that he loves him; Tony then told Clay the same and hugged him. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. Clay sits on the curb outside of Blue Spot Liquor and pulls out the second tape from his backpack setting the side marked 3 to play. He bid him goodbye and headed for his front door as Tony drove away. After this, Ani told Deputy Standall about Tony laundering money and blamed Monty for Bryces murder. He is the narrator of the story along with Hannah. The man recognized Tony from somewhere but couldnt place him, and Tony left.[21]. Or at least that's what people think. You'll also receive an email with the link. Tony skipped his boxing class and went to Monets instead, where Caleb found him. After the dance, he helped Hannah with her car and gave her a tape of The Night We Met, the song she and Clay danced to that night. Netflix's 13 Reasons Why saw Hannah Baker posthumously confront those who contributed to her eventual suicide, but she also left a tape for her friend, Clay Jensen - here's why. The tapes consist of audio recordings on each side of the 7 tapes, except for the last one, where she left the last side blank, recording 13 audio recordings instead of 14 equal ones, however Clay later fills this side in at the very end. After Ani moves out of Jessica's house, she now lives with Tony and Caleb. After Kat left and Hannah started talking to Justin, he eventually asked for her number. The next day, Caleb asked Tony how he knows that Clays innocent and to tell him the truth about what happened after homecoming. The kiss begins chaste, their lips touching gently, but gradually Clay becomes more confident and deepens it to Tony's delight. Clay was a student at Liberty High School and a close friend of Hannah Baker; who was also his crush. The other person in the accident, a senior at Clays school, was killed. Age Though Clay did not know Hannah well and regrets not getting to know her better, he is greatly unsettled by her loss, suggesting that teen suicide is traumatic for many people in a community, not just the victims close friends and family. The tape subjects and their reasons for being on the tapes is shown below. Hannah again includes herself on this tape as she blames herself for pushing Clay away. His physical reaction of nausea reflects his emotional upheaval. Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. I made a promise, to see to it that everyone on the tapes hears the tapes. Alex and Jessica's tapes exchange places, and Clay's tape comes earlier in the book when compared to the series. Clay, who was completely oblivious to this fact, asks if Brad is his boyfriend. "Graduation". Despite Alexs warning, Tony gives the pictures to Dean Foundry hoping it will change their current predicament, but he just thanks him for handing him the pictures and says hell look into it later after lockdown. Caleb asked Tony what's going on with him, and Tony replied that its about the trial and the leaked tapes. Hannah arranged to meet Justin at Eisenhower Park. Tony is related to Angie Romero, she is his "third cousin, maybe fourth". Instead, Tony took Clay to a big rock where they started rock climbing. The B side of the seventh tape is recorded by Clay, it details Bryce's confession to raping Hannah, but not explicitly, as Bryce isn't aware that what he said is a confession to rape. Hannah talked to Justin on the phone, then they met and kissed by the rocket ship. Tony and Mrs. Baker met up at Monet's, seemingly to discuss the list. ". What is wrong with Clay Jensen? Ryan promised to not reveal anything in court that could hurt him. Tape 1, Side A 54m As the school mourns the death of Hannah Baker, her friend Clay receives a box of tapes with messages she recorded before she committed suicide. Tony told Justin that he and his brothers beat up a guy and the guy pressed charges. He now felt the responsibility to make sure everyone listens to the tapes. Hannah says that she used to stop there regularly to buy candy bars on her way home. Ellman confirms that Clay is dealing with dissociation , which, according to Mental Health America, is a "mental process that causes a lack of connection in a person's thoughts, memory and sense of identity." The Tapes are a set of 7 cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker before she commits suicide. Tony quickly left. Tony and Caleb went to Monet's together, where they saw Ryan sitting alone. Tony and his dad were preoccupied with fixing Tony's old Mustang, so Clay stole the Walkman and made an excuse that his mother was cooking dinner and that he needed to be home. Tony tried to convince Clay that its important to continue listening. Liberty High School (Formerly)University of Nevada 5'4" After Justin told him about what happened to him, Tony felt bad and took him outside. 74% 2x02 Two Girls Kissing However, Tony later revealed their friendship isn't the reason she gave him the tapes. Tony secretly follows Tyler to a shady neighbourhood at night. For humiliating Hannah in public on their One Dollar Valentine's date, and for destroying her reputation. He worked with Hannah at the local movie theater over the summer but never got close to her. At Monets, Ryan told Tony he had been called to testify and gave him the pages from Hannahs journal that are about Tony beating up someone. Show: A nerdy kid who doesn't really fit in. Not only did Justins betrayal ruin his own relationship with Hannah, but it also kept Clay from reaching out to her, showing that bullying through rumor-spreading can damage people in several different ways. Tony drives a 1960 thunderbird, a red convertible. When he started listening to the first tape, he tried to call the Bakers and rushed to Hannahs house, but it was too late. . Tony isn't the only character who's revealed to be gay during the series. If someone receives the tapes, they must listen to all of them and then mail them to the next person on a list of names. On the tape, Hannah states, Hannah Baker is not, and never was, a slut. Hannah says that the first month with Justin was wonderful, but then he started bragging. Hannah includes herself on this tape as well as she did nothing to stop Bryce from raping Jessica. Tony follows him outside to see him get in Deputy Standalls car and they drive off. The tapes reveal the 13 reasons why Hannah chose to end her life and were created for the purpose of the subjects on her tapes learning how their actions destroyed her life and culminated in her killing herself. Clay's bewildered by this, but Justin is maybe 30 percent less clueless than Clay . Tony didn't want to be part of hiding and detoxing Justin from heroin because he's on probation and has to testify, so he sent Sheri to help instead. Even though he is well aware of Bryce's crimes, he still refuses to cease following Hannah's rules and expose the tapes to the public as he claims that the word of a dead girl will not be enough to bring Bryce to justice. Hannah has given a second set of tapes to one of their classmates, the identity of whom Clay later discovers, and warns the people on the tapes that if they do not pass them on, the second set will be leaked to the entire student body. He also told Clay that the day Hannah died, she dropped off the tapes at his door. No. For abandoning Hannah after she crashed her car into a stop sign which later caused the death of. The kiss happened as Alex in an attempt to 'live' his life, indulges not Zach's crazy impulsive habits . Tony sells the garage to Caleb, zo Tony can go to college and build a future. Clay believes that he knows whom she is talking about based on their behavior. This worried Tony, for the reason that this is the place he and Clay had dumped Tylers guns.[32]. Eventually, they found a guy that was wearing Justin's varsity jacket. One of those differences is the exact sequence of the tapes. Hannah says that Jessica Davis is next. Tony responds, and the two of them sit in silence for a little while, just enjoying each other's company. Hannah Baker here. Warning: Major spoilers for season four of "13 Reasons Why" ahead. Dr. Singh encouraged Tony to consider community college after high school. Clay was upset because Tony didnt tell him this before when theyre supposed to be friends. 20% Netflix. Fanii se sperie sezonul 3 din 13 motive pentru care dup ce s-a dezvluit c Bryce Walker a fost ucis. Hannahs threat that the tapes will be released and the listeners are being watched instills a sense of fear and isolation in them, much like what Hannah felt when she was alive. Tony apologized to Caleb for the day before. Clay experiences blackouts and, at one point, is admitted to the psychiatric ward of a hospital after stealing a gun from a police officer and waving it around. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. Afterwards he met up with a cartel member to send money to his deported family. For taking a racy picture of Hannah on a date and allowing Bryce to spread the photo to the entire school and for sparking the rumors of her being a "slut" and for breaking her heart. Hannah then explains that kissing was all that happened. As he continues to listen, Hannah mentions that each person should have received a map. Dean Foundry appears to be surprised by this and orders the students to barricade the doors and stay down. At first Tony thinks Tyler and the police dropped out of the plan, but then Tyler comes into view. One of the people in the accident, an elderly man, told him to run to the house to tell his wife that he was okay. Eventually, Hannah and Clay make their way to Jessica's bedroom to deal with their mounting sexual tension. Angela Romero was on the list for Best Lips. At a party, while playing spin the bottle, Clay had refused to quit until he had kissed Angelaall because of Alexs stupid list. Jessica Davis is one of the main characters of Netflix's "13 Reasons Why". ,13 REASONS WHY S2 E2 TWO GIRLS KISSING REACTION 2x2 CLAY & SKYE BRAKE UP AND COURTNEY TESTIFIE. Bryce asked for them, and Tony let Bryce listen to the tapes in the car to keeps his promise to Hannah about making sure everyone hears the tapes. He is very comforting as well as he reaches out to Clay during his grief over Hannah's death. Mrs. Baker wondered why Hannah kept so many secrets, and Tony told her he thinks that people keep secrets to protect other people.[15]. Season 3 Clays realization that Hannahs name was on the list because of Justins lies once again demonstrates the snowball effect of rumors. Caleb managed to convince him that home is with people you love and he loves him, and told him that "your life is my life". For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! Tony and Clay met up at Monet's, where Clay asked Tony to help to find Justin so he could testify against Bryce. [31], The next day, Tony picked up Tyler and demanded to give him the gun. Justin, Marcus and co. were hounding him and, at one point, considering killing him. Discount, Discount Code What happened to Clay in 13 Reasons Why season 4? Student (Liberty High School) Mechanic (Padilla Automotive) Why used to be clays check certain 13 Reasons Why? Minor Characters Thirteen Reasons Why He even lies to Hannah's mother a few times about knowing anything about why she killed herself simply to follow Hannah's rules. Bryce mentioned feeling regret for what he did to Hannah, but Tony said he had no idea how he hurt her as he didn't listen to the tapes. After Hannah's suicide, Tony helps Olivia to understand more about what Hannah was going through and helps with the investigation. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. His dad kissed Tony on the head and said he loved him, but stayed silent for six days after that.[2]. A high school freshman, Hannah has a romantic idea of what her first kiss will be like, and the gentle, innocent moment with Justin at the playground surpasses her expectations. At the Bakers store, Mrs. Baker confronted Tony about a paper with names she found that also has Tonys name on it. His reaction was to clear his name with the cops before they start investigating him, but Caleb felt like that would make him more suspicious. When Tony comes home, he finds Caleb facetiming his dad. Status Tony thinks Tyler hacked into Clays account. Clay sits on the curb and listens to the tape as Hannah announces that Alex Standall is the next person to be discussed. [20]The next day, while Tony was training with Caleb, the man Tony beat up arrived and Caleb introduced them. When Jessica had to testify, Tony, Clay, and Alex went to court to watch it. Courtney Crimsen is a recurring character on 13 Reasons Why. Book: Clay had always pined after Hannah, but never . By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. Seasons His arrests for assault got brought up. I just - I wanted to take care of Hannah. Clay Jensen receives a package in the mail that contains seven loose cassette tapes with numbered sides: sides 1 and 2 on the first, 3 and 4 on the second, and so on. Clay finds a troubling photo in his locker. She shows this list to Clay stating that Hannah wrote it, he looks at it and she tells him that he is on there "at least once, possibly twice, did she call you Helmet? You never really know what's gonna hit how. Tony was taking another boxing class but left because Clay texted. Tony received a call from Mrs. Baker, who had found hot-or-not list and wanted to learn more about it. When he wouldn't tell them where he got the jacket from and called Tony "tiny", Tony beats him up.[16]. [5], At the Jensen Residence, Mrs. Jensen had invited Tony over for dinner after talking to his dad at a parent meeting. For humiliating and attempting to sexually assault Hannah in public on their One Dollar Valentine's date to see if the rumors of her being "easy" were true, this helped to destroy her already tarnished reputation. Along with Justin, he sees Tyler giving a package to a driver. Tony called Clay instead. Through the audio narrative, Hannah reveals her pain and suffering and the slide into depression that ultimately leads to her suicide. At night, Tony burned the pages of the letter he received from Hannah.[14]. Armored riot police guards arrive and demand the students to leave school grounds. I think, sometimes, were keeping them to protect those people. She declares that she hopes the listeners will not find the process easy; what she wants most is for them to understand and feel remorse for the suffering they have caused. The list contains people and things that Hannah would consider staying alive for, in her words: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Before she died, she also sent a second set to Tony Padilla. Her parents are hurting. Mrs. Baker asked Tony about Clay; Tony told her that he doesnt know what his relationship with Hannah was like. Courtney (Michele Selene Ang) is outed in Hannah's tapes after they are caught kissing by Tyler (Devin Druid). The police sirens come up, they get panic and the gun dealer points his gun at Tyler's head. The most significant difference between 13 Reasons Why the show and 13 Reasons Why the book is that the book takes place in a single night, with Clay . They hear gun shots from the hallway and Tony decides hes had enough. Clay meets with Tony at the mall where he is informed about Tylers rendezvous as of lately; hes been lying about his shifts at work and meeting with Principal Bolan. November 2000 His agony rises when Diego, who is the current captain of the school's football team starts pranking him with phone calls. For raping Hannah in his hot tub, and for breaking her soul. Netflix recently aired its fourth and final season of the drama "13 Reasons Why." During season four, one notable character died and many of the show's loose ends were tied up. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. Tony and Hannah in a flashback in "Smile, Bitches". A month after the events of season 3, Tony, Alex, Clay, Jessica, Ani, Tyler, and Charlie gathered for the first time since Bryce's murder case to welcome Justin home from rehab.

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13 reasons why tony and clay kiss