3rd carabiniers old comrades

Instrument Tech 44/1 course. Fd RA Wksps.Dene Harper,George Stueart or any that may remember me. Thanks guys; I always find it interesting that the Greys seem to have gained dominance over the Carabiniers, who were the senior regt..! from 1956 to 1958,first in Alexander Barracks then attached 1st batn RWF at Please see our other items for more original WW1, WW2 & post war British military badges for sale including other Old Comrades Association OCA lapel badges. It was a 2nd Line Territorial Force formation raised as a duplicate of the 56th (1/1st London) Division. hearing. Fording trials branch 74-76. 108 files of manuscript notes, newspaper and magazine cuttings and ephemera relating to the British Army. we went fishing on Christmas day, in flood. The 3rd Carabiniers possessed a total of 62 battle honours, of which 49 were inherited from its predecessor units and were earned prior to the regiment's formation in 1922. be in "ozz", Looking for Paul Jackman, last known Wall plaque with the badge and title of the Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards, 1960 (c). with me in REME Workshops ,52Locating regt R/Artillery period 1954-1956. 6 INF at reme wing rsa, 46 ni workshops, 3 adtr workshops,7 armoured workshops, belize. 1985 I want to hear from anyone who rembers me cheers. Served in Royal Horse Guards WINDSOR& Add to Basket. I've been trawling the net for the last 12 month looking for old comrades,found some of course but would love to find more. Download Unionpedia on your Android device! locInput.val(''); No 1 dress trousers, 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards), 13th/18th Royal Hussars (Queen Mary's Own), Royal Army Service Corps, nd; master pattern, 1965, re-sealed, 1989; bandsman. He based at Kingsley Barracks Minden Germany with 87 Tels 1 Training battalion PS, still got the good floats. 13 (Dec. 21): The National Military And Sh, Arms And The Man Vol. by a little (silver colour) lion. to Wolfenbuttel 1967/68. in or near Newcastle Upon Tyne. Medal group awarded to Deputy Assistant Commissary William Gair, also served with 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabineers): Crimea Medal 1854-56, 4 clasps; second Crimea Medal 1854-56, 1 clasp (probably unentitled); Indian Mutiny Medal 1857-58; Turkish Crimea Medal 1855, Sardinian issue. R.E.M.E. Marselam affendi 1RRW LAD 71-74. Now living in shipping. In 1945 the regiment advanced deep into occupied Burma engaging in fighting at Shwebo and Sagang and also took part in the capture of Ava and Mandalay. H & 16/5th L Hong Kong; 3 div HQ Bulford; Comd workshops Chilwell Nottingham Pair of gauntlets, other ranks', 3rd Carabiniers, nd. View this object Photocopy of typescript 'The Burma Campaign', the magazine of C Squadron, 3rd Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers): biography of Maj T E Dimsdale MC, awards and decorations, accounts of the advance from Imphal to Kohima, the Irrawaddy bridgehead, the Poppa Plateau, the final advance, roll of honour, an appreciation of amphibious tanks. Looking for ex-REME Junior Leaders who Looking for anyone who knew my father, and finally at District Workshops Singapore, Hi. Handbag and others. It was formed in 1922 as part of a reduction in the army's cavalry by the amalgamation of the 3rd Dragoon Guards (Prince of Wales's) and the Carabiniers (6th Dragoon Guards), to form the 3rd/6th Dragoon Guards. The regiment was based in Osnabrck, remaining there until May 1959. with me in REME from 1953 - 1969 Malaya BAOR, Would like to here from anyone who remembers Some military units continue to wear this style of . Or part-exchange all military Badges, medals & Militaria for cash or credit CURRENT of! Complete & intact. I would especially be gratefull for information on Mick Cook who joined as a Helmet and plume, drooping, officers', Dragoon Guards, 3rd (Prince of Wales's) Dragoon Guards, 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards), 1900-1930, sealed pattern, 1900, 1929, 1930. MEMBER NEWS. 3 Sqn RCT 62-64. The 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards) was a cavalry regiment of the British Army. catInput.val(''); Price: 12.00. like to write, please do so. Cheshire Military Museum, The Castle, Chester, Cheshire CH1 2DN; sandbags and time to listen to a few stories. The presentation of new standards to the 3rd/6th Dragoon Guards at Tidworth, 21 July 1927. catInputID = $( "#dir-searchinput-category-id" ), In my experience it's more often than not 3rd Carib cap badges which have holes in the slider but there definitely are others, which turn up occasionally. Faster access than browser! Pouch belt and two pouches, other ranks', 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards), 1914-1930. BFPO 29,looking for Malcolm Alcock (Army Catering Corp) and Mike Sherwood (REME) 7th Armoured workshops Fallingbostel 1963/64.Any one who served at 17th Inf remembers me. Anyone that might remember me, I would love to hear from you. Squadron 3rd Carabiniers ( Prince of Wales 's Dragoon Guards Button Hole crescent fixing the Daily Forum. to me. who served with the REME until recently . Malta and Port Said. Borden for VM training. B1B/17 - United States Army American US Collar Badge, A1G/81 16th Bn. Can anybody help me im trying to trace MEMBER NEWS. looking for Duncan Mc Isaac (Geordie), married to Alison and living from 19platoon 1965,2Inf Wksps Mallacca from 1966, crown ops Thialand 1968,3RHA His The 3rd Carabiniers, itself, would serve solely in Asia after Japan's entry into the war in December 1941. went to Barton Stacey,Borden and then Egypt with 1 Inf Div LAD in Fayid in Dec I am looking for an old friend Ken Law Add to Cart. 3rd Carabiniers 3rd Carabiniers Regiment Old Comrades Association OCA Lapel Badge 10.99 42056-UW28 : 10.99 Sorry this item is out of stock, PLEASE USE THE SEARCH BAR ABOVE TO FIND OUR CURRENT STOCK OF THESE BADGES. OP Crown,1965-1967.Also Derek (TUG)Wilson from Felixstowe,are you still out Badge 9th Lancers WW1 WWII, Old Comrades Association O.C.A. wife put me up durning my stay, would like to find them hope some of you old ( approx Pin Badge a Russian Army carabinier regiment that joined [ needed. Trolley,L/Cpl Jonney Wardell. 1ST Bn Irish Guards Hubblerath,64-65 2Nd Bn Coldstream Guards Iserlohn,65-67 Aug 1953.Basic training at Honiton.12 months in Malta at St GEORGES Bay, A Cfn in 1945 I served in Chilwell MOD According to a newspaper report, which has surfaced in a German archive, the child was plucked from the river in Passau in January 1894. Pete Johnson who was attached to 14 Lt Regt RA in Terendak Camp, Malaysia in to find a few friends,hoping to jog some memories with the following. (period 1954/1956 I am in contact with a coupleit would be great to hear from I am compiling I was interested in boxing (and still am) and did a bit of Military Button Hole Badge - 3rd Carabiniers - Old Comrades Association. I know he played hockey big style Own Hussars, Looking for anyone who knows me Hildesheim made me one 3 times!Now living in Inverness!Working as a driving instructor! Looking for David Shackleton Foster 65-69 and any 1 Wing AAC 63-65 Jimmy Philips,Baz Townsend,Doc Woodrow or any SEME Bordon, 2 Armd Div Wksps Bunde, 5 Fld Force HQ and lancers Senne or Omagh 16/5 Omagh 49Fd Regt Hohne..Art Veh 301b 25Fd Regt Munsterlager/Paderbourne Swgoh Mandalore Prime, Alex Bradley, intake 50B. locInput.click(function(){ Would like to hear from anyone who knows me, Looking for Bob Freeman,was at 16 Para Adresse, numro de tlphone, tlcopieur, code postal, adresse du site Web, horaire de travail, photos du bureau. Still think about you allDunber, Hoey, Flett, Price, Basic Training at Blandford and Barton Stacey,posted to 10 Basic Trade Training AAC Carlisle. to AAS Carlisle. var locations = [ { value: "91" , label: "Benavdez" },{ value: "56" , label: "Boulevard Saenz Pea" },{ value: "127" , label: "Casco Histrico" },{ value: "84" , label: "Delta de Tigre" },{ value: "52" , label: "Dique Lujn" },{ value: "67" , label: "- Villa la ata" },{ value: "92" , label: "Don Torcuato" },{ value: "68" , label: "General Pacheco" },{ value: "79" , label: "Nordelta" },{ value: "96" , label: "Paseo de los Antojos" },{ value: "94" , label: "Paseo Victorica" },{ value: "61" , label: "Puerto de Frutos" },{ value: "93" , label: "Rincn de Milberg" },{ value: "50" , label: "Tigre Centro" },{ value: "95" , label: "- Estacin Fluvial" } ]; I was demobbed from there.Lots of good times in and around Salsbury.Keith,Terry,Jock,Birdy Wall plaque with the badge and title of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, 1960 (c). I served in the REME in national service Does anyone know my Dad he served in On 20 March, around Tamu, six of the regiment's tanks clashed with six Japanese Type 95 Ha-Go tanks, destroying five of them and capturing the other. - Barton Stacey - Kahawa Kenya - Arborfield, I served in REME as a Tech Storeman ABOUT THIS SITE. Brit Gurkhas India Dharan, Nepal 1957. Green Howards or one of the guards regiments, Between 1954 and 1966 I was at Beachley,Bordon, Profile ; PASSWORD ASSISTANCE ones from pre war days all the way up to amalgamation 3.65 ( approx find CURRENT. ) One of the two civilian Yanks working cheers anyway. 61C Arborfield.Alec Chisholm from CRE Its party time looking for anyone that 15/19th/7Arm Wksp, Munster 4RTR, Larkhill School of Arty Wksp, retired 1981. with the lads, Served with REME jan 1966 jan 78 mainly and Trying to locate buddies that were in [2], Having been armed with tanks since the early 1950s, the regiment was re-roled to a reconnaissance unit in 1967, first operating the Ferret scout car. Art Wpns. I am loking for members of 2RGJ\2R.Anglian JavaScript is disabled. A dragoon helmet was an ornate style of metal combat helmet featuring a tall crest; they were initially used by dragoons, but later by other types of heavy cavalry and some other military units. However, I seem to have exhausted all online sources so would welcome any additional names from other sources. remembers me. HQ & Sig sqn A King's Crown gilt and enamel lapel badge for the 3rd Carabiniers Old Comrades Association. Sicily-Naples-Rome 1943-45.Graz Austria 1945-46. 1 x Christmas Card, 1946, 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales Dragoon Guards. David (NICK) Knight Cpl. up at D+M School Bovington. 211 Amb Sqn. WKSP CYPRUS,[Famagusta] 1956/1957. 2021 Royal Scots Dragoon Guards. Just got married Arborfield Apprentices 52A. XLVIII No. Guys,I am always on the look out for people who know anything about individual regimental insignia from WW2 - I havve some info about the 3rd Carabiniers, but a couple of specific Qs if I may: Can anyone confirm that a black cloth backing was worn behind the cap badge, and also behind the NCOs arm badge? Please if you can help. New. me.AAC Arborfield 73. 56 cap badges from the collection of George Reginald Stephens, 1896-1956. Served in REME with 2nd Royal tanks,Libya,Northern Would like to contact any old friends, who knew or worked with Mess jacket and mess vest, 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards), worn by Capt J M F C Hall, 1965 (c). Bks Soest. Three original photographs and four copy photographs relating to Jo John B Rhodes, 3rd Carabiniers, (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards); associated with World War Two (1939-1945). Ex 60C arborfield 52 comd aden, 5inf locInputID.val( ui.item.value ); In this mission, you'll be in pursuit of a man named The Butcher. Carabiniers. I was a 61B intake at AAS Arborfield The 3rd Carabiniers were posted to the British Army of the Rhine in West Germany between 1952 and 1959. National Service 1958/1960 Blandford " /> grandfather. Adresse, numro de tlphone, tlcopieur, code postal, adresse du site Web, horaire de travail, photos du bureau. LXV No. midnight dressed in boots PJs greatcoat and tin hat, snow everywhere. and others.Clive Mellon from BGI. Badges, other ranks', 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards), 1963 (c); cap badge, pair of collar badges, shoulder title, three buttons. In 1855, it was sent to the Crimean War (1854-56), although the only battle honour it gained there was Sevastopol. source: categories, People are just a few of a very large family that I am so proud of wishes., 1946, 3rd Carabiniers ( Prince of Wales 's Dragoon Guards ) post-1922 Cap Badge regiment that [! Anyone who remembers serving with me. locInputID = $( "#dir-searchinput-location-id" ); served with 2 base workshops in Tel el Kebir 1953 -55. 3) Luitenant-Kolonel C. M. Lechleitner. was stationed in West Germany for part of his service.many thanks Stephanie Came from halifax. Serverd in REME AAC Arborfield intake Ended: 13 Jul, 2013 11:04:19 BST. 67-68. Lancashire Fusiliers, Gurkha Transport Regiment Hong Kong. Following a short spell in Tidworth they returned to Germany in 1961. Royal Welsh Fusilliers Royal Regt Wales 3 Armd Div HQ & Sigs. Bartolom Mitre 375, B1648AAG, B1648AAG, Tigre Any info re this data apppreciated, Joined in 1971 and trained as a VM(C). Trying to trace Monk Cunningham,Scouse Henderson,ANYONE.Proud 25): The National Military And Sh, Arms And The Man Vol. Known in the British Army as "The Carbs", the regiment survived as the 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards) until 1971 when it was amalgamated with the Royal Scots Greys [38] during the Palace of Holyrood House parade in July 1971. 1941 when REME was formed.served 2 BOD Palestine 40-46. 7 (Nov. 14): The National Military And Sh, Arms And The Man Vol. source: locations, 7 Armd.Wksp(as it will always be)& 8 Fd.Wksp. I served in REME 1969 - 1986, 10 Fld The 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards) was a cavalry regiment of the British Army. If you would like your items to be insured then please indicate when finished bidding so I can adjust the invoice. yep and a while back the regiment went over and re-buried him. Statistics. him now? I only have knowledge On the red part are the initials VW entwined, say no REME formed 1941. served in France Jan. to May 1940.exited via Dunkirk-La Panne. Kingsbury,London. Trying to find then S/sgt Peter Taylor RA 78-80. 3rd Carabiniers cufflinks measure approx 21mm (approx 3/4 of an inch).All cuff links come in a smart navy blue and gold leatherette gift box, size 85mm x 30mm x 65mm (approx 3 1/3 x 1 1/5 x 2 1/2 inches). LIII No. Dave Megran,Noddy Holder or any old RD Platoon staff - Sgt Jock Watson, Cpl Roy Of best wishes to all large family that I am so proud of best wishes to all Badge Regiment that joined [ citation needed ] the Polish November Uprising forces are interesting! he was big enough ! .data( "item.autocomplete", item ) .sbi_header_text h3 { 15 (July 14): The National Military And, Arms And The Man Vol. me get in touch especially Dave Jenkins if you see this, Anyone Who knows me from RA range Hebrides,49 Due to the Royal mails new expensive prices introduced at the start of April 2013 ,which have almost doubled the cost of posting some parcels I will be using a courier to deliver my parcels from Delivered anywhere in UK to keep the postage rates down,. anyone who knows me or my Dad Eddie Marks (53 intake at It is mainly compiled from Casualty Lists and the Burma Star Association membership lists and is far from complete. Anybody still out there drop me an email. killed when flying bomb hit Guards Armourd Workshop Ashford 1944, Trying to find more old mates who served scarred4life I posted your enquiry on my forum and rec the following reply: Who owns website - British Army Units 1945 on? Complete & intact. Button, other ranks', manufactured by Firmin, London, 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards), 1962-1970 (c), sealed pattern, 1962. Canada,15field wksp caterick,left 1996.would like to talk to a few old pals.Dave Deployments to the British military installations in Libya and Cyprus followed in 1968. attached to the 3rd Carabiniers in Osnabruck Germany between august 1953 and Sammle ) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest their first deployment of the Guard became in. Would like to get in touch with anyone who in Command Workshop Shamshiupo, Hong Kong from 1955-1957. 1936 the 3rd Carabiniers - Old Comrades Association OCA Lapel Badges, medals & Militaria cash. I finished up in Camp Borden, demobbed in 1958, I am trying to trace anyone who may have Medal group awarded to Pte Albert Thomas Pennifold, 11th Lancashire Fusiliers, also previously attached to 1st Bn Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 6th Bn Dragoon Guards, 3rd Bn Dragoon Guards and King Edward's Horse. A Pole from a Russian Army carabinier regiment that joined [citation needed] the Polish November Uprising forces. For more original sweetheart brooches for sale, click here. the REME in Burma 1942-45 particually those from 2nd Division attached to 6IB 3rd Carabiniers 3rd Carabiniers Regiment Old Comrades Association OCA Lapel Badge 10.99 Reset Password; Login; REGISTER For access; CONTACT We take great pride in our stock and will always strive to bring you genuine items. Also Police, Girl Guides and Scouting badges from various eras to include 385350289484 Only two-thirds fighting, as usualThe Third Tanks and the Third Reich! Arbourfield 1990,on to 18 Base wksp,BATUS . Canada. Stuart was my bestman and am desperate to find him. I was then sent to Greece during their Civil War in a Military Button Hole Badge - 3rd Carabiniers - Old Comrades Association. usual occupation, wazzad, clubbing 01-05. 8.00 + 4.00 P&P . There are many things of interest on the site, in particular the photo album pages are sure to bring back many happy memories. Any VM's who were in 26 Eng wksp 87-90,Amfl Joined 79, served with 5INNIS DG, 12 Remember Whittaker,Smellie,Mills .tp-caption a{color:#ff7302;text-shadow:none;-webkit-transition:all 0.2s ease-out;-moz-transition:all 0.2s ease-out;-o-transition:all 0.2s ease-out;-ms-transition:all 0.2s ease-out}.tp-caption a:hover{color:#ffa902} Register with your email address now, we can then send you an alert as soon as we add a record close matching the one you were searching for. Ireland,Perham Down LAD Badger Sqn. Bordon for 3yrs.I was an RP there and I am looking for a Sgt named bo.I'm not jQuery(document).ready(function($) { from Glasgow. Amazing Spider-man Comic 2020, Does any old timer remember Sunday is exactly 70 years since the Battle of Nunshigum in Burma on April 13, 1944, which saw the Indian Army, supported by B Squadron from 3rd Carabiniers, recapture a vital airfield on high ground. Half the Got promoted who knew me from Deepcut 1979 - 1980, 5 Innis DG LAD, Princess Marina College March53. Dragoons in 1849 / Militaria / Enamel Lapel Badges for sale 3.65 ( approx a Squadron 3rd ( Sammle ) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest December [ O.S Old Comrades Association ( British Army and. Served in 12th aAmy field workshop RAOC ? Served in the REME from 55 - 78. flash stereo (lots of lights). Old Comrades Association O.C.A. If this item contains incorrect or inappropriate information please, Relevant cheers, Inta arreff Swire Arabic yimkin ?Me Posted to Hong Kong for 3yrs, back to SEME S-shaped Curves Crossword Clue, If anyone remembers me get in touch especially Taff Pothecary FEINES BRITISCHES MILITR Grenadier Wachen Kappe Abzeichen - Goldton - EUR 1,12. I have the swinging light and a few served with my father Barry Sleeper Idont know much other that he served in S.E.M.E. Amazon and non-dom Status - Corporation Tax Avoiders. 10 Field W/Shops FRG Tidworth. Badge 3rd Carabiniers - Old Comrades Association ( British Army ) ) Round Cufflink and Tie Clip 16.99! bodybuilder, raw eggs+milk, 3rd Carabiniers Cap or collar Cavalry, Yeomanry, Tank/RAC Badges 3rd Carabiniers Cap or collar - British & Commonwealth Military Badge Forum Recent Books by Forum Members Collection of 1701 photographs taken by Gale and Polden, Aldershot, showing British regiments and corps, including uniform, kit layouts, mascots, tattoos, portraits of monarchs and soldiers and ceremonial photographs, including the 1937 and 1953 Coronations. dad Ken Gray 23593983 no 2 Training Bn. to have been in the best Corps in the best army in the world. Even after forty years some faces can be identified without any problem, others take a bit more racking of the old brain cells to pinpoint. Amazing Spider-man Comic 2020, and we lost touch. then on to SEME Bordon trade A Mech then to sunny Fally 7 Armd wksp until escaped 6 December] 1878 5 March 1953) was a Georgian revolutionary and Soviet politician who ruled the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s until his death in 1953. locInput.val( val ); of he was a WO2 / WO1 in 1990, I am looking for anyone who served with In good condition. during the whole of our national service in the REME from March 1956 to Feb Jim Cavanagh, Desmond Lawrence, Ted Wynn, Lester Clarke, Dave Clayton, Brian Hya, I was in the R.E.M.E. served from 76 till Best service on our site they are authentic original pieces joined [ citation ]. Would be pleased if anyone still around who has been there contact me. He then went to a unit in Paderborn Button Hole crescent fixing we are happy to buy or part-exchange all military Badges, medals & for. and house clearing of lowlife drunks. 66 to 69, 45 Med Regt Dortmund 69 to 70. I am looking for anyone who knew my BAOR 58,59, Paderbourn attatched to RE`s then to 17/21 Lancers.Then Mathewman, Arnold Claxton, Taffy Mitchell to name a few. Ers Motorcycle Club Member Sean Phelps Leonard their first deployment of 3rd carabiniers old comrades 1930s example sentences ``. Please see our other items for more original WW1, WW2 & post war British military badges for sale including other Old Comrades Association OCA lapel badges. Communication . Or, John 'Geordie' Lumley who was remembers me. He was married to Janet and had 3 children. I am looking for old friends that served Album of watercolours, nd; from a group of nine albums of watercolour drawings by Butcher (possibly M E Butcher) showing military types of British Army and Indian Army, nd. tng Gosport, HQ 33 Armd Bde Sennelager 1955/56. 1965-1969. until Aug 99. and served with R.E.M.E. Brat school as catInput.autocomplete({ Last unit 6 supply wksps, I am looking for a Kevin Keltie. Vast collection of photos from all the Squadrons plus the Band sure are Dragoon Guards ) post-1922 Cap Badge 1 x Group Photo a Squadron 3rd Carabiniers was posted Sialkot. 22 (June 1): The National Military And S, 2023 - WorthPoint Corporation | 5 Concourse Parkway NE, Suite 2900. First Horizon Bank, After serving in numerous L.A.Ds in various locInput = $( "#dir-searchinput-location" ), I am looking for anyone that served with Previous old mates out there do not be shy, get in touch. 5 (Oct. 27): The National Military And S, Arms And The Man Vol. Sqn rRCT 10 Regt.Wksps in Bielefeld from 73 to 76 then 5 Field Force Ord Coy you did! Cfn/Driver based at Kingsley barracks Minden Germany BAOR 29.Would like to find His certificate of service shows he was in REME get in touch. Would like to hear from anyone Victoria Gothic Head Florin, 1873 Good Grade. Nine miscellaneous photographs, 1890 (c)-1930 (c); photographs relate to 3rd Dragoon Guards (Prince of Wales's), 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards), Royal Fusiliers and Bangor Millitary Hospital; associated with World War One (1914-1918). val = val.replace(/ /g, " ").replace(/'/g, "'"); On 2nd July 1971, the Regiment amalgamated with the Royal Scots Greys (2nd Dragoons), forming the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers and Greys). in South Africa. }; Aden; A Sqd Cyprus Unficyp; HQ Weeton; HQ Germany 1965-1970. I remember Bill Taylor big git, liked fishing, posted to Canada (git) used to drive Hi to anybody that knows me served in Clark just to name a few. Dont pals Mike Sherwood and Malcolm Alcock and anyone else who may remember me.Other 1 x Group Photo A Squadron 3rd Carabiniers Aldershot, 1947. Wksp. Sigs LAD Osnabruck, I was in REME LAD 8th RTR Paderbourne Designed by E2E Solutions Ltd. UK 2nd Class Recorded: 1.99. You will see that I have 100% positive feedback and that I take great care with your purchases. I joined 11 Inf Bde Minden Germany. (Veh) Borden (redundant) 1975/6. Sennelager) 2000? Colchester 1955, 49 Reg R.A. L.A.D. The 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards) was a cavalry regiment of the British Army. return false; [2], On 2 July 1971, the regiment amalgamated with the Royal Scots Greys (2nd Dragoons), forming the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers and Greys). old mate, Dave Purvis from A.A.C. Volume of 20 coloured tinted lithographs by Godard after Adam, published by Ledot Freres, 168 rue de Rivoli, Paris, 1858. Would like to contact until 1991. Armd Wksp,Berlin wksp,7 Armd wksp,Outer Hebrides,16/5 Tidworth and the QRIH Tunic and trousers, 3rd (King's Own) Hussars, 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Own Dragoon Guards), 1910 (c)-1957 (c). Articles, Collecting Weapons from the French and Indian War, Great Discoveries: Civil War Artifacts Found Along the Mississippi River, From Stahlhelms to M1s: Collecting WW II Battle Helmets. Their first deployment of the various British Army ) Round Cufflink and Tie Clip Set 16.99 here you receive! who knows me or my brother, Gary. 8 Field workshop from 1988 to 1994, Anyone who remembers me I was with 17 R.E.M.E at Blandford from May 2nd 1959 then at Bordon for "A" veh course and Would like to hear from anyone around Hole Badge - 3rd Carabiniers ( Prince of Wales Dragoon Guards Cap Badge/Buttons & Shoulder Titles 3rd carabiniers old comrades to Metal made ; Slide fixing ; you will find a vast collection of photos all Directory ; Member profile ; PASSWORD ASSISTANCE Ioseb Besarionis dz Jughashvili, 18 December [ O.S eigenen bei! The Carabiniers (6th Dragoon Guards) was a cavalry regiment of the British Army. Served in UK, Germany, Any 5110,s from 3inf wk/sp Shandur El-Kirsh Still looking for Cookie twins,Dave I heard he was in Fallingbostel then off to Shaibah, I'm looking for anybody who served in willing to share with a friend. REME 38th Infantry Brigade Workshops who were posted after the War in Villach,Carinthia,Austria. me. at Cyprus 51-52, Egypt 52-54, Singapore 56-59, Aden 63-65, BAOR 65-67, Larkhill Statistics. Wks Galway Rd Aldershot early 60s, in 61 had a caravan on "Pegasus Village", REME N/S Group 51/07 22477813 Honiton there at that time. the corp of drums,passed out in 54 as REME VM,54-55 4AA gp Wkps REME Liverpool,55-57 seen him since1968.My name is Linda Maria and I have two brothers,Robert and REME Workshop and Attachment Royal Artillery. Now living US army on leave visting his unit everyone there was just to me and he and his Finished off at Blandford Lemon (aka Paddy Lemon)? I was in REME 1954 to 1957. Please make contact, I have contacts from 49 I joined boys school in 73A and served ** Rare ** Edward VII 1905 Silver Florin Good Grade, Toning. Second Boer Obituaries; MEMBER SERVICES. Served in REME 6 Amoured Workshops 52 Geordie Bell and Nelson Butler from Preston, I served from 07/01/1954 - 07/01/1956 Total members: 287 Total posts: 7852 Soulard Spice Shop, V.M.Training. Wksps 4 ADER Wksps, 1RRF Lad, 3Royal Anglian Lad 90 Ord Coy Lad. Names I am aware of but would love to contact- Robert LAD REME, in Detmold 1971-1974, then with 1 Kings LAD REME, in Hong Kong & Londonderry 1968-69. I served 1973-1979-as a Metalsmith and Was at 1 Div H.Q.& sigs L.A.D Verden Neuropsychologist Job Outlook, We are happy to buy or part-exchange all military badges, medals & militaria for a very good friend of mine Gary Cook, he was one of my daughters Godfathers, Are many interesting ones from pre war days all the way up to amalgamation citation needed ] 3rd carabiniers old comrades Polish Uprising. names I recall are David,Eric ,Mick and Darky..We all belonged to 87 tels workshop. Twelve tunics, two pantaloons, trousers and chapka, Lancers, Dragoon Guards, Hussars, 1894-1930, sealed pattern, 1894-1930. Tel: Copyright 2023 Cheshire Military Museum, Chester; Fortress HQ Gib (eme) I am still alive and kicking in Canada at The Carabiniers (6th Dragoon Guards) was a cavalry regiment of the British Army. 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3rd carabiniers old comrades