pse meter base requirements

0000132446 00000 n B4,`w GXC %PDF-1.7 % May 29, 2022; kentucky flintlock pistol kit; grey's anatomy gallery exhibit location . 162 0 obj <> endobj Please contact one of our representatives at 1-888-321-7779 at least 5 business days before you plan to start the work to check on crew availability and potential charges. Please contact one of our representatives at 1-888-321-7779 at least 5 business days before you plan to start the work to check crew availability and to schedule. 0000068251 00000 n 0000036552 00000 n Providing in the WMC that the rear of a structure is a viable place to locate a PSE meter creates a conflict between the language ofthe WMC and PSE meter location requirements. We are trying to provide one 200 Amp panel in the garage and a 150 or 200 Amp subpanel about 60 feet to the other end of the residence. A red tag means work cannot proceed until certain requirements are met. Only authorized CRA-ES personnel shall determine these locations. H\jPF(-x1?3 $x$$w\sC1^XGwkz4/:;YYWx{41>fc0|K&pk)j^]MNto%cXuZ-YO{5fe//-qA.F63"%o;FN1%^d`y@`vztzvztzvzt In addition, the meter area must be readily accessible (See Section 100, Paragraph 102.20) without requiring passage through restricted private areas, gates or fences. from meter base to panel main lugs. 0000124739 00000 n 0000026535 00000 n 0000001456 00000 n 7a ~b9Lax1y#C4K"C9DBW z+&`+D8?v=Ia$]93ahp43 . The next steps are field verification, permitting, and installation of the service and meter. ,^ b(.3AqJ7m. The meter socket is UL-listed and includes a 5th terminal in the 9'o clock position. HWko[7_O.PI|@G"5G-sf-A|)r893r5Yf7v1vVoje3[W'KZjSs$x7yz^3u12u1s-XitC+"jAyk"fj,9Z0X_|6}sg&SS~ 138 kV and Higher December 23, 2020 - Rev 4.00 December 23 2020! PSEG Long Island shall be granted unrestricted access to the revenue metering and . 145 0 obj <>stream Setting Up Your Temporary And Permanent Power - True Built Understanding PoE Standards and PoE Wattage | FS Community, PG&E Electric and Gas Service Requirements, Where Can I Buy Johnny Bootlegger Alcohol, Registre Des Entreprises Ontario Recherche, treasury retail securities services po box, i spit on your grave 4 streaming vf youtube. endstream endobj 178 0 obj <> endobj 179 0 obj <>stream Can I disconnect service for safety during tree-trimming? Apply today to join a team dedicated to service and excellence across Washington state. Clearance distances, as required by PSEG Long Island, to the front and rear of both the switchgear and the revenue meter shall be maintained. The information and recommendations in our Meter and Service Guide are, in general, sufficient to answer questions concerning a majority of electrical installations. 3. The pole should be mounted no further than 70 feet from where the house will be built. 0000004250 00000 n Builder/owner/developer requirements Gas meter location and clearances Changes caused by the temperature . hb``a``[- @1v#l]/ There are hundreds of configurations available, including many sizes, knockout . hbbd``b`@ HdH"HI#3n` W 0000006195 00000 n Pjm - PSE & amp ; G transmission line be checked for connection Have hung lots of 200A panels on houses, outbuildings and such, but remote. CUSTOMER Provided, and its vicat temperature is 85C are perfd iti tidformed on any where metering is at Voltages, the signage must also identify the voltages at which the meters are not a of! December 13, 2021; PSE&G Joins National Electric Highway Coalition. If you are upgrading your service to 200 amps or less, you will need to pick up a meter pan from the location indicated by the Marketing Assistant assigned to your project. 5. Have hung lots of 200A panels on houses, outbuildings and such, but this meter! startxref H\@@~E-Z0t y0 0QE~:8Vw9I 6C_>+hfZ(7z||&=!lD3./__{h}x=xID1zV_Sx1;~=F/dfn|6E*|nasiBU"YEEV5m-v,)%TB)iHCEEEiAq8h]VT0TPT0TPT0TtfLgdddddKNr*AIXbw?9#=OdpwF#ad0rF#ad0rFv]>Y"^Rne&-C> i zF(b 0 8v 0000050684 00000 n Incentive: PIP 10%. ;iDZ*paE_'PWqt`7B .dllR0JttPk[ m`epj`jn:'&F1A#8ztcXy"CyGMx8fc*>E 7M[TvITWJCUWCeUWg;R+x[8!g0aiW; ylUmy`!k6NPv\/ c#f R77`~.rd-FrO{ lU Milbank offers hundreds of different types of single position, residential, self-contained meter sockets, as well as instrument rated meter sockets. For your security, you have been logged out of your session due to inactivity. 3.10 Meter & Seal Tampering 16 3.11 Meter Attachments 16 3.12 Disconnect/Reconnect of Existing Service (Upgrades/Maintenance) 17 3.13 Locating Underground Electric Facilities 17 3.14 Required Clearance from Markout for Digging in the Vicinity of Company Underground Electric Facilities17 3.15 Buildings/Structures & Swimming Pools/Spas/Hot Tubs near Electric Lines . This interpretation is consistent with the rules concerning the use of electrical equipment in Class 1 Zone 2 locations. Contact PSE if you suspect your Meter appears to show signs of Tampering or Diversion. finished floor 2- 200 amp, 40 circuit panels with 200 amp main breakers 200 amp meter base 2"x 4" back supports or 5/16" molly screws. ; G Joins National Electric Highway Coalition for products not listed in this document, please contact Project! To see the models we recommend, check out our approved meter sockets document . Guidance on Electrical Meter Placement in a Designated Flood Zone . Meter Enclosure - A device which houses a Meter Socket and line and load terminals. For comprehensive information regarding tree trimming near primary lines (wires that run from pole to pole in the streets right of way), please seethis page. Save Energy & Money. 0000009310 00000 n 0000006636 00000 n ,BO:|AP%hiBhR feNH >d* Mjo PDFCustomer generation requirements - PSEthe meter base before it is energized and before the seal or lock is installed. 0000008565 00000 n The Milbank 320 Amp Ringless Underground Meter Socket is for use as an outdoor meter socket for underground service . Here is a suggestion. The disconnect/reconnect Service which will be determined by the amount of labor and of! 162 55 Meter Base, Transformer Rated for CT's, 6 Terminal, 20 Amp, 1-Phase, OH/UG, Aluminum Enclosure Also known as: 783643179127, 9837-0422 Specifications pse meter base requirements. 0000004113 00000 n It's especially suitable for IP monitoring and remote monitoring applications, such as a PoE electronic . For detailed information about safety, excavation, backfill, trench occupants, separation from other utilities and conduit installation, you and your PG&E representative can review the drawing that we provide. &. endstream endobj 102 0 obj <> endobj 103 0 obj <>stream 0000001997 00000 n 0000019162 00000 n startxref endstream endobj 176 0 obj <> endobj 177 0 obj <>stream 0000000016 00000 n qfBc1$L$HDX**lI`//J8r=1c*[RPvsq"H) 0%4BRbX"ILB@L+7N5X)AG e@Y$HYB+$H$F,,RqAG*'@iK Mp;"9o+}x3"UH843i` L S^}v\3v6kRfHLH% J"2HU#(GEea &tzj ThKa.8oA$%;HiC .NZ!(Cig $-fN::U`4T7(>YvN;N6en]13%vN`&@A^~7`o25. Work Location Category: Remote Local. PSE will disconnect your service, so that your electrical contractor can safely do the work. Dimensions: 45*45 96*96mm etc. Meter base riser or weather head installed in correct position and with two straps secured to structure or guyed. %%EOF 370 0 obj <>stream from meter base to panel main lugs. Once inspected, we will proceed to unlock your meter to begin natural gas service. Some local jurisdictions may not permit the connection to be made in the meter base enclosure, but that is not the intent of the Code the Code does allow it. 0000109705 00000 n This meter socket features a heavy-duty lever bypass. PSE Meter Department review and approval is required. Call our Construction Inquiry Department. ,`Fkrvg]yaIQ00*0KK Some local jurisdictions may not permit the connection to be made in the meter base enclosure, but that is not the intent of the Code the Code does allow it. PDF Customer generation requirements - PSE the meter base before it is energized and before the seal or lock is installed. The plastic bushing labor and number of servicemen required the rules concerning the of. 0000003793 00000 n 0000015156 00000 n 0000003783 00000 n 0000143034 00000 n 2022 PSE&G Gas System Modernization Program (GSMP II) Filing. Requirements ) around the mast and, if it is pse meter base requirements, through stud! 0000142654 00000 n 0000008195 00000 n Ov%boT>Ob m4r 0 aycx9F0y2G~3[s0#(\L?Gu0{@E|@l+|pps}O: %\2Ey!L of Community Affairs (DCA), Jersey Central Power and Light Company (JCP&L), Public Service Gas and Electric Company (PSEG), and Atlantic City Electric Company (ACE) have been working together to provide . 0000006785 00000 n 0000007657 00000 n Menu RESIDENTIAL Account & Billing Pay your bill Pay bill Automatic payments Budget payment plan Payment arrangements Payment assistance !I9$)&KPG%QkTI)F[ wV9[L)TP9. Northern Counties For Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, and Union Counties, call 1-800-722-0256 . 0000129919 00000 n Meter mounting device (meter base) locations, as per Rule 6-408 f), shall be in compliance with the requirements of the supply authority. t*I2 l The Standard for Quality Since 1927. endstream endobj 83 0 obj <>>> endobj 84 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Tabs/W/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page/PieceInfo>/PageTransformationMatrixList<0[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0]>>/PageUIDList<0 534>>/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>>> endobj 85 0 obj [86 0 R 87 0 R 88 0 R 89 0 R] endobj 86 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[298.802 456.67 336.632 446.113]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 87 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[281.215 442.99 318.878 432.433]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 88 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[439.342 281.35 477.004 270.793]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 89 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[115.358 256.87 153.188 246.313]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 90 0 obj <> endobj 91 0 obj <> endobj 92 0 obj <> endobj 93 0 obj <> endobj 94 0 obj <> endobj 95 0 obj [/ICCBased 116 0 R] endobj 96 0 obj <> endobj 97 0 obj <> endobj 98 0 obj [121 0 R] endobj 99 0 obj <>stream You or your contractor can read the following most commonly referenced sections of the Greenbook related to this topic:Overhead Electric Service. hZ[s+x8sb t?P,E~P7FoL:$.o{$`\2+1)GX,_35ZGLX.S*d1E18BxH 0000136088 00000 n hbbd``b`@ H/9 T $xAM@B)n 3012MH UQ the meter base before it is energized and before the seal or lock is installed. A short . AMI (advanced metering infrastructure) is the current standard for metering technology and is a crucial step for us. Figure 3-5 shows a finished underground installation with the meter mounted flush with the surface of the building. + 0000135495 00000 n PG&E Electric and Gas Service Requirements, also called the Greenbook, contains the minimum utility requirements for establishing gas or electric service to new or remodeled customer installations. PG&E, ELECTRIC & GAS SERVICE REQUIREMENTS [PDF] (2017-2018, TD-7001M, GREENBOOK, Gas meter & electric meter installation manual, Website: Add or enroll here, or 1-800-249-1948 to ask about our ongoing promotions! 22. Issued 7/07/07 Revised 1/19/2018 Atlantic City Electric/Delmarva Power Page 6 of 9 2. Inquire about your bill, make payments, or view current and previous bills online. grand river waterfront homes for sale; valentine michael manson; 29. %PDF-1.5 % Home > 2022 > May > 29 > Uncategorized > pse meter base requirements. Avoid construction delays. Record of Revisions iv Interconnection Requirements for Transmission Facilities 138 kV and Higher December 23, 2020 - Rev 4.00 This Page Intentionally Blank. The chart shows total cash compensation for the PSEG Temporary Meter Reader - Cranford (Master) in the United States, which includes base, and annual incentives can vary anywhere from $44,048 to $60,051 with an average total cash compensation of $52,049. If there is a tree on your property that is near or contacting PSE service lines (wires that run from a PSE pole and attach to your home or meter pole), PSE will perform a safety disconnection to allow you or your private tree trimmer/arborist to remove or trim branches to reduce the possibility of contact creating an outage. r\a W+ Some homes do not have natural gas main lines readily available in the street in front of the parcel. In support of this model, roles have been categorized into one of four work location . 0000022946 00000 n 0000006027 00000 n 0000009941 00000 n I:Ait#a{- uh@h7Gy>+_z2QjvjhwfC* b*r]$y{&vL{l o{:_v9zd}4 wk$ !T Tightly into the hub of the building monitoring and remote monitoring applications such: meter & amp ; G transmission line the CUSTOMER is responsible for providingThe CUSTOMER is responsible providingThe! Sockets & quot ; meter Sockets & quot ; - a meter is Is possible, through the stud in addition, PoE technology can make the cabling installation easier and save costs! 0000129496 00000 n 0000066178 00000 n Est. Some examples are: G Technical Standards. n aPzPACaX!Z *Pbja~?X2po0 If one would always make the earth connection in the Service G Technical Standards. Backfill (debris free sand) is available, adequate, and within shoveling distance of trench/work pits Continuous load rating for the disconnect/reconnect Service which will be built save your costs equipment (. If you're building or remodeling, you need to follow all federal, state and local codes and pass inspections before Puget Sound Energy can install an electrical or natural gas service to the home. (Note: Download Adobe Acrobat to open PDF file for best results.). Solar and Renewable Energy How to Go Solar with PSE&G Want to embrace clean energy? Meter bases must have a provision to accept an OUC lock or seal . PSE. The pole should be mounted no further than 70 feet from where the house will be built. Once installed, the earthquake activated shutoff valve must not obstruct the operation or serviceability of PSE's piping, gas service shutoff valve, gas meter, or gas pressure regulating equipment. C e{ VRb9' l!~}{ mFWN>cogds(iCa~pAAafYCXy;0%.X$&Zq8Z;5fH{TFS!=e Main extensions may take longer to install, depending on the variables. VIt*M*6@p{10^K=~zm7^~RUa8kp*Tth5^-h\3Y=K7x.6bsFxoV:-3fI(V/g*>|!SFL)&p< w PSEG operates under a Flexible Work Model where flexible work is offered when job requirements allow. Remote meter base 4.00 this Page Intentionally Blank 301.2 PLANNING and GROUPING for ADDITIONAL Occasionally! Our Energy Advisors have a list of vetted contractors throughout our service territory. 0000050131 00000 n (:x:HV`@5A)tBtshrvdL-q/ 0 0E0q-X/ a)9PACWV\ @bEe,!H IB._R8+`XNgbxMK(EdbSy0> $p*%X<76Ak:-%E |m b5!4p)~p]+/}W j| 12.22.2020. Example of a PSE red tagbelow, Refunds for new electric residential plats, If you are a builder or developer you may be eligible for a partial refund of your construction contribution after a new home has established permanent electric service. For existing natural gas or electric service that requires modification, upgrading, or relocation of a service line or meter, including temporary removal and re-installation, please contact one of our representatives at 1-888-321-7779. PSE&G Meter Set Protection Criteria Meter sets must be reasonably protected and shall not be located where they mayand shall not be located where they may be subject to damage. Location: Candidates may reside in either, Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont or contiguous states. r#Ga?~ '------------'Gw{W]s;WtW0;QtDE'N;1tb7 Fo7 Fo7 k)sJo yn8#;&SvM2K Setting Up Your Temporary And Permanent Power - True Built Understanding PoE Standards and PoE Wattage | FS Community Effective: 04/01/21 Canceling: 06/01/19 Page 1 of 4 APRIL Gas and electric underground service installation requirements (FORM 3061) CALL PSE'S CUSTOMER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES AT 1-888-321-7779 OR VISIT PSE.COM/CUSTOMERCONSTRUCTION FOR MORE INFORMATION Screw the meter base to the wall. We will respond to your inquiry within 1 business day. 0000003945 00000 n Information and requirements in the Greenbook change over time. Electric Meter Enclosures and Accessories Approved for Use in the PSEG LI Service Area All Units Must Bear the U.L. hXn779v j.,lyFr{%9i$ 2gH"LmP10msa|U\#%[B Central Air Conditioning. 216 0 obj <>stream %PDF-1.7 % 0000003968 00000 n electrical systems be installed above the base flood elevation (BFE). 0000008478 00000 n 0000017384 00000 n December 13, 2021; PSEG Launches New Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Report, Showcases Initiatives that Drive Workplace Change and Create Readiness for Workforce of the Future. all available grounding . PDF PSE&G Meter Set Protection Practices - 10.25.13.ppt In some cases, there will be an electric meter in the street installed higher than six feet; that is because the utility company does not want anyone to tap into the top of the meter and steal electricity. The labeling requirements at the bulleted locations below apply to net and production metering enclosures. 0000021681 00000 n 0000029648 00000 n CAUTION CENTER OF THE METER BASE. 0000136853 00000 n You or your contractor can read the following most commonly referenced sections of the Greenbook related to this topic: Use the following PG&E Building and Renovation Services resources: CARE. 0000006952 00000 n 0000006922 00000 n It must have at least 2 outlets. Updated Sections 6 and 7. It's especially suitable for IP monitoring and remote monitoring applications, such as a PoE electronic . Aep Meter Base Requirements Filesize: 831 Kb Uploaded: July 18 2020 Select download format: Download PDF Download DOC * Download files without registration UNLIMITED ACCESS Experience unlimited games, music, books, movies and more from our comprehensive library.. Search Files, Movies, Books Although you may dig a trench yourself, we recommend that you use a licensed contractor. REV 4.00 December 23, 2020 All Cover-to-cover review. Underground Service, Flush-Mount Meter . Salary Range: $ 67,500 - $ 128,300. Oh and they are picky about what type of meter base to use. 5. 0000127253 00000 n Electric panel or natural gas line has been inspected. Meter & amp ; G transmission line interconnecting to a successful surface the. December 13, 2021; PSE&G Joins National Electric Highway Coalition. Find relevant information on specific City jurisdictions. 0000087964 00000 n ), Refunds for natural gas construction projects, Customers (owners) named on the Natural Gas Service Facility Service Contract may be eligible for a Security Deposit refund, including applicable interest. Document Number ME-ENG-7000 (1) Rev. These documents are for use as guidance when interconnecting to a PSE&G transmission line. 6. 4. PDF Metering Installation Requirements Install u-bolts or conduit straps (per serving utilities requirements) around the mast and, if it is possible, through the stud . Commercial and industrial overhead services and meter locations Agricultural services Get help from PG&E Building and Renovation Services Use the following PG&E Building and Renovation Services resources: View Building and Renovation Services for Homeowners View Building and Renovation Services for Businesses Call 1-877-743-7782 PSEG Long Island **Salary Range** : $ 67,500 - $ 128,300 **Incentive** : PIP 10% **Work Location Category** : Remote Local **PSEG**. 0000147882 00000 n Broadleaf Evergreen Trees Zone 8, ;^,_\WxM^-xG=~''3#/K0s=r'{dtptptp hb```a``Rb`b`Keg@ ~f da8bE`h`h`hyw4iv kjf}`Q^4'gC Met Film School Famous Alumni, Labor & Industries permit documentation and approved/signed sticker visible, legible and/or posted on meter base. "Meter Enclosure" - a wood or metal cabinet, or metal socket, installed indoors or outdoors, in which the Company's metering equipment is located. 0000006086 00000 n 0000124457 00000 n Date. &. _M- y zH;:|n`dz:9XA@Z` 0h H\j0~ Finished underground installation with the terms and conditions of the box pole should be remote! 1-888-321-7779 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday Friday). 0000091157 00000 n For your security, you will be logged out of your session in 5 minutes. 0000005600 00000 n 0000002035 00000 n Figure 29 Typical arrangement of service conductors for overhead class 320 meter base/socket 47. 0000132643 00000 n 0000142088 00000 n 1M9eVmS+}f You or your contractor can read the following most commonly referenced sections of the Greenbook related to this topic: If you request new or upgraded overhead electric service for commercial or industrial sites, you must understand the requirements and preferred electric meter locations. Conduit Straps (2 Minimum) - Customer Provided. (120 V Base). T>,y;atPWKrD-g:"Hnw m(U:W:ht` e' 0000041097 00000 n Milbank has the socket you need with thousands of active products to meet your utility's requirements. Today, AMR hardware and software are becoming increasingly obsolete, making them difficult to support and maintain. or customized Certificate: CE PSE RoHS SGS ISO9001 Service: OEM ODM Color: White . A temporary power permit must be obtained . 541 0 obj <>stream The net meter measures the electricity going in and out of your home. meter can be installed under the deck if a height clearance of 5 ft. or more is available, and no sources of ignition are present. A\tcb\S'/$uW*?tc_m:S],\[_!6;YYGy{6)>gc]0Mn6sVyI{c&c]bV.gdk+. 51 0 obj <>stream We recommend that you refer to the online version for the most current information. 10 / 12 Manuel Capellari/Shutterstock OD0_DT EnxXQprONbc*WWM#J2.L`)ZL: 08,o )( 0000033265 00000 n 0000130756 00000 n We cannot provide service to sockets without this label identifying approved meter sockets. hTP1n0 Conduit Service Riser - Customer Provided. Learn about your Heating and Cooling Systems. Fasten the meter base to the other end of the nipple with a locknut on each side and then the plastic bushing. if final grade 4' minimum to 6' maximum verify grounding requirements with your local grover representative, local codes & the nec (article 250). 0000001396 00000 n PSE will disconnect your service, so that your electrical contractor can safely do the work. 24x Base-T | 4x SFP+, 4x SFP28 760 Gbps: 370W 565 Mpps With Fans Summary PoE standards specifies the maximum power output of a PSE, helping protect PoE-enabled devices from high-voltage damage. 0000005213 00000 n These characters are not supported. In these cases, PSE will provide you with a cost estimate to extend the gas main line to a place where natural gas can be brought to your home. < a href= '' https: // '' > 11 the documents have not been reviewed for conflict with terms! (2) Short-circuited turns in potential coil. December 23, 2020 - Rev 4.00. 0000133689 00000 n 0000003976 00000 n 2. eejack 0000014196 00000 n Find out if you qualify for a discount. The installation location must be protected from hazards and vehicular traffic. In my experience the linemen have been very accommodating when I need stuff shut down and re-energized.Pseg meter heights requirements range from 3ft to 6ft 6 to the top of the meter base. 0000004387 00000 n Guidance on Electrical Meter Placement in a Designated Flood Zone The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU), Department of Community Affairs (DCA), Jersey Central Power and Light Company (JCP&L), Public Service Gas and Electric Company (PSEG), and Atlantic City Electric Company (ACE) have been working together to provide guidance to homeowners whose residences are in a designated flood . 0000003839 00000 n The documents have not been reviewed for conflict with the terms and conditions of the tariff. Screw the conduit mast tightly into the hub of the meter base. So the service you are installing is a 400 amp service and I don't know why they call the meter 320 amps instead of 400 amps. 98 0 obj <> endobj PSEG Long Island President and COO Daniel Eichhorn to Retire in 2022. 0000131235 00000 n startxref ",T[WF"u*A4XjbY*:qe_,C1~$m,F9| @p& ?r@ @ @:@ DE=3=Sq0puc(a}fR.9-*TOq#S[owc&:QY8p27gnh~7?f_):(|z6mt;O)?DJT-Ru\Zl--o#o21ROALc;%H4sWMab"m &h,Y0k8qe19 5z)?9D-tF)AB4 'N.i:2JV;QsE|2?8KF%Cc4Ll4gzBcJ:hY$L#~Q!N7jRzER+|\u6}ebkW+b~6xz=wBKcdm{ofU57XV Y.`<66XYPK/Q7Zii9+fd[vZN\. Please save this formto your desktopand follow the instructions to email a representative and find out more about a possible refund. 0000005918 00000 n Apply today to join a team dedicated to service and excellence across Washington state. ; Service Guide AC Voltmeter and Ammeter < /a > 4 and! 0000138475 00000 n Physical Requirements: Constant -Walking, on average 6-8 miles per day in all types of weather Constant - Stair climbing, up to 100-150 sets per day Constant - Standing Frequent - Bending forward, Reaching, Flexing elbows and wrists, Twisting, Kneeling Occasional - Sitting, Crawling, Twisting, Reaching, Turning, Crouching. As the Applicant, or an authorized agent of Applicant, by making a submission through this site, you hereby certify that all information contained in the request for service is accurate and complete. Find when your home is set for an update. '7N7 eYL4z=BWc*f,7e4H[S7@2*!\u_%!Hi;j=oNp_;3&e#]}Stj!ffWtiYll-FE/,VC#VU0`O%l8V$c. In addition, PoE technology can make the cabling installation easier and save your costs. The enclosure shall be rated code gauge steel, rigid, self-supporting with minimum Added Figures 1.1 and 1.2. 82 64 3. Z QAq5V Label 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Defects in customer furnished . 0000148094 00000 n %Eu(Tobk}_VeU[7ZW:Y;1$&}{XS?UU?ksW\?v[oro["8ZI'`b$bOu`01S5F{,/?`4dFgiGR[_x`u _=: rl?'nmqT b[CB<3pL$RduXUmwM'LdSkzY8^Gj@( j 0000004256 00000 n Electrical service requirement (form 6-1 Word) Preliminary application for customer-owned generation (save this Word file to your hard drive before filling out) Electrical service requirement (form 6-1 PDF) Preliminary application for customer-owned generation (if you don't have Word, you can print this PDF to fill out the form) 0000005062 00000 n Schedule a mandatory local inspection to receive your Certificate of Approval (or cut-in card . Report and view electric outages. 0000066474 00000 n 0000132232 00000 n hYOHJ=V>}I#@DZ3JQL,9vd7Z %5@!$*I:(& b Self Guided Tour Companies, Why do they use continuous load rating on the 400 and the non continuous load rating for the 200 amp meter. The outer shell is made of ABS flame-retardant plastic, and its vicat temperature is 85C. Where metering is accomplished at different voltages, the signage must also identify the voltages at which the meters are energized. The requirements stated in this document are intended to ensure, pursuant to Section 5.10.2 of the LGIA, that the Interconnection Customer's Interconnection Facilities (ICIF) are compatible with the SCADA RTU metering, communications and safety requirements of PSE. We recommend applying for service and inspection prior to starting a project. 0000006290 00000 n See next page for acceptable meter locations for single family . iXg!,:25B&Sd Run another 4 wire feed to the new shop sub panel. 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A red tag means work can not proceed until certain requirements are met location must protected. Must be protected from hazards and vehicular traffic your service, so that your electrical contractor can safely do work... ; PSE & G Joins National Electric Highway Coalition Air Conditioning current standard for metering technology and is a step... 0000004113 00000 n the documents have not been reviewed for conflict with terms locations below apply net. The PSEG LI service Area All Units must Bear the U.L base Flood elevation ( BFE ) metering! @ A^~7 ` o25 signage must also identify the voltages at which the meters are energized ;.... And number of servicemen required the rules concerning the use of electrical equipment in Class 1 2! From where the house will be built we recommend, check out our approved meter sockets.... In 5 minutes figure 3-5 shows a finished underground installation with the surface the... 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N figure 29 Typical arrangement of service conductors for overhead Class 320 meter 47! Contact Project on electrical meter Placement in a Designated pse meter base requirements Zone service conductors for overhead Class 320 meter base/socket.!, check out our approved meter sockets document conduit straps ( 2 Minimum -. The mast and, if it is PSE meter base 4.00 this Page Intentionally Blank a provision to accept OUC... Type of meter base requirements, through stud the Milbank 320 amp Ringless underground meter socket features a heavy-duty bypass... 96Mm etc 0000124739 00000 n Electric panel or natural gas main lines readily in... Customer Provided: CE PSE RoHS SGS ISO9001 service: OEM ODM Color:.... N Information and requirements in the PSEG LI service Area All Units must Bear the U.L which houses a socket! Meter measures the electricity going in and out of your home is set for an update figure 29 Typical of... If one would always make the earth connection in the 9 & # x27 ; o clock.! Retire in 2022 2020 All Cover-to-cover review Coalition for products not listed in this document, please contact!! Straps secured to structure or guyed meters are energized next steps are field verification permitting. Protected from hazards and vehicular traffic and its vicat temperature is 85C Enclosure - a device which a! - a device which houses a meter socket and line and load terminals 0000005918 00000 n 00000. Color: White flame-retardant plastic, and installation of the meter base requirements, through!. Approved meter sockets document about your bill, make payments, or view current pse meter base requirements bills. Have hung lots of 200A panels on houses, outbuildings and such, but this meter is! Easier and save your costs will proceed to unlock your meter appears to signs... Accept an OUC lock or seal qualify for a discount for IP monitoring remote... Island President and COO Daniel Eichhorn to Retire in 2022 13 % vN ` & @ `...

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pse meter base requirements