training program for 800m and 1500m

1500m Freestyle - 16:29.68, Jul 2021 (16:10.27) . 3. Full speed. This type of training was done with great success by Sebastian Coe and later Wilson Kipketer. Volume and intensity are a result of the amount of TIME and EFFORT the athlete is willing to spend developing their abilities. 8x100m flat. Since the intensity of these sessions are higher than in the fundamental period you might need longer recovery than 1 day of recovery that is normal in the fundamental period. He has been researching and writing on fitness, diet and health since 2006, and has published an eBook, The Low GI Diet Plan. A typical week of training for me when I was training for 800m/1500m wa.800 Meter Training Definition of Sets - The Warm-up The length of the warm-up varies from one to three miles Followed by 600 to 1200 meters at anaerobic threshold pace Example: An athlete with a 2:00 pr for 800 (2:00 = 120 seconds /.75 = 160 seconds) = 2:40 pace. Just like a car, if you increase the gas, but don`t change gear, your car will suffer. Plan for your event in the TrainingPeaks calendar. Save the energy for the hard track workouts. Progresses to 6x1000m 2 min rec. Recovery . 7 min set rec. Lactate Threshold: Also called Anaerobic Threshold. . There are some GREAT 800m runners who have very little use or emphasis for traditional long runs. With 10-15 minute breaks. Special period: 7x600m. Long Runs: We successfully coach athletes and triathletes from beginners to advanced, 800m to the marathon in running and from sprint to iron distance racing in triathlon. So in a training cycle of 7-14 days you must train to improve all these qualities. 4-6 Weeks . You need some mileage, both recovery miles and aerobic miles. from Coventry University. The Anaerobic Energy System may be sub-divided into the following systems: Anaerobic Glycolytic - no oxygen, effective for less than 2 minutes. 2. Taking as reference the last period of fulfillment of the Plan in the 1973-74 cycle, I present the following table: They will improve on this type of training, but the 400/800m type with the same coach will not improve, and probably quit training or changing coach. The person who is good at both the 400m and the 1500m will strive to mix both abilities to the precise level to maximize performance. Day 5: 16 to 30 x 200m alternating with 10 x 400m 1500m pace. However for middle distance runners I think during the regeneration period that short hills should be included as introduction to the longer hill sprints and also use them to build spesific running leg strength. So the 2 bases comes very close to each other in terms of pace during the specific period with many spesific session at 95-105% of race pace. Heavy anaerobic workouts and racing. No expectations - just work hard. This is also true for training in season, you still need to keep the elements from earlier periods of training (endurance, speed, strength, plyometrics) while you are doing specific training, but in smaller amount or less frequent than in the base training of course. Specific period: The faster pace should come from a natural increase in fitness, not from trying to push the pace on the interval sessions. 10-1515-20 sec hill sprints. 50 min easy jog 8x400m 90 sec rec. The hills will build specific running strength that will aid you when you later run your speed sessions on flat surface. You also need to prepare your body to maintain proper running form. And the total volume of interval work is reduced compared to the fundamental and special period. 5. Then two 400m runs at 800m pace with 1 minute recovery between them, with 10 minutes recovery period. 50 min easy jog In this program you will get: 32 weeks of high quality training for the 800m event. 1. All the way up to an entire season. Training Seasons: I am assuming 2 x 6 months training periods per year. I recommend to do the last hard interval session (for example: 3x600m@95% of RP or 4x400m @100-105% of RP) no closer than 7 days before the competition. 1500m pace 2: 3600+2600+2600 rest= 2 and 4 (4200m) As we prepare for the 800m and up, the aerobic system begins to play a vital role in an athletes success. Wilson Kipketer. Create a free website or blog at I want you to avoid all that and give you advice on how you can optimize your training and run a faster 800m. We have three EXCELLENT ARTICLES that explain VO2Max concepts in detail. 800 meter Training How Much Mileage should a Half-Miler Run? Plays a role in 100m success as well. The legs should have the muscles to handle the work - tired, but not destroyed. I had only a modest talent with a 1 min 58 sec 800m PB, and a 51 sec 400m PB, but I have been studying middle distance training and especially 800m training for many years. Trying to advance or qualify. Progresses to 8x600m. These are low mental stress races for the athlete. 3: 31000 at increasing speed per rep and per 400m rest 6+7 (3000m) I have a lot more workouts, but I wont print them because everyone is going to copy them without understanding the hows-and-whys you do a particular workout. My view on speed training is that speed is important of course, but its more important to do long sprint speed rather than acceleration and short speed (40-60m) So my advice is to skip the 60m sprint training at 100% effort and rather do hill sprints or longer sprints on flat surface like for example 100-120m @90-95% effort. 8: 50 min easy jog Just to get the legs tuned in to race speed, but without getting tired. from Coventry University. 11. If a Type I runner struggles with VO2 and Tempo work in the same week, figure out an adjustment. The last 3 day before the competition should be only 20-40 min easy jog with a few strides. This training is even beneficial for long distance runners. I have been running for 17 years, and I am still running. The benefit of holding back a bit on the intervals is that the goal of the session will still be achieved, that is training the endurance/Vo2 max. A good rule is that after a hard session you should have 1-2 days of easy training before your next hard session. This athlete may be running well in cross country, basketball, or soccer - accumulating the aerobic base / mileage needed to build a powerful aerobic approach to the 800m. These specific aspects include: racespecific goal setting, understanding the rhythm of the race, understanding race strategy, developing an ability to "race" and respond, and being able to cope with pain. 4: 2600+2600+2600 rest= 3 and 6 (3600m) Did my mistakes in training, had my injuries, overtraining and so on, so I have learned the hard way. The short fast speed training later becomes longer and slower. 2x(3x300m) 3 min rec. 10 x 400m. Monday morning is tracks training, concentrating on running and drills, following by an easy loosener run later in the day. In February, I travelled to Braga, Portugal, and I was successful in winning the W55 category in the 800m, 1500m, and 3000m, at the European Indoor Master Championships. Speed training: The fast 400m/800m type, the pure 800m type and the resistant 800/1500m type. (multi pace training) But is not combined in any race specific way. Running the intervals faster, but with longer recovery and reduced total volume. Speed Endurance Phase 3. Saturday is competition day. "The 5K pace is golden. During the special period some sessions from the fundamental period is kept. $ 19.99. The following training sessions are aimed at improving the lactic tolerance; your ability to maintain pace as the by-products of repeated anaerobic lactic energy production accumulate and have . 800m specialists may work these 1600m pace repeats in the off season with an extended rest, such as a weekly 8-12 x 200m at Mile pace, with a 2:30 rest. No amount of perfect training can make you a world champion if you dont have the talent and no amount of talent can make you a world champion without correct and consistent training. 2 min rest. On the Pro / Semi-Pro side, we have athletes competing in different countries, Indoor and Outdoor. Workouts that increase your anaerobic capacity in the 800m. 4. You should in most cases not try to do a demanding training session when your body is not ready for it. 6: Rest Fundamental period. The 1:56 / 2:13 (boys / girls) times in high school are no longer adequate to excel at the next level. What will determine your success in the long-term is the amount of talent you are born with, correct training and consistency. Race Phase. Multi pace training is basically to train at many different training paces within a short training cycle 7-14 days. The key is to focus on your strengths in training. 8x400m 90 sec rec. That WR pace is equivalent to 61.3 per 400m. Most Type II runners will need it as well, but you will find a few exceptions - people who dominate with massive aerobic power. This person can win the 800m at the collegiate level. 3 x 500 @ 800m race pace, with 8 minute rest, would be a very tough workout. Per 100m = 125s/8 =15.63s, Short intervals 80-90% of RP (race pace) Reduce recovery All vital components of event training are included from fitness testing, mental conditioning, and multi-pace training to post-event analysis. Another speed session may be 12 x 200 w/ 2:00 rest. On Thursdays she does a relaxed run in the morning, and then concentrates on speed drills and preds (preds define a running speed that is calculated using a formula based on age and maximum heart rate to improve endurance). Gradually increase the amount of running, and build you fitness. I solve gnarly problems and build cool things in the Product space. Plyometrics+10x100m fast strides on grass (400/800m pace) You will begin to do some stuff like 3 x 300 very fast. 40 min easy Moderate - Harder Aerobic Runs: These paces are all slower than Lactate Threshold Pace. Similar type of plyometric training was done by olympic champion Vebjrn Rodal (1.42 on 800m). The 400m/800m type is the person that has a very fast 400m pb, a good 800m pb, and a somewhat poor 1500m pb compared to the level at the 400m and 800m pb. That means in the season you will have to add specific training sessions, but you must still use some sessions from you base training also during this period. 200m - 300m Race Paces: These paces are rarely used in an 800m race, even for the Type I folks, because they will lock the legs up well before the finish. Speed Endurance Phase 3. 3x400m 5 min rec. (Read my interview with Gary Reed), *NOTE: readTempo Training Differences for Sprinters and Distance Runners, Lets take a look atGenzebe Dibaba training leading up to her world record of 3:50.07. These paces are used in training to build speed endurance. Each of these athletes may excel in the perceived weakness if they commit to a well-rounded development for an extended period of time (a full 6 month training cycle). Notice that when I am talking about race paces its percentage of your current 800m level, not your goal pace. Increase total volume of intervals, do not push the pace. Progression is from speed power to maximum speed to resistance of speed. The 40 Yard Dash in the NFL is a 4+ second, power-based sprint that can be completed WITHOUT breathing. Intervals has finally arrived at specific pace 95-105% during the progression from the special to the spesific period. Progresses to 4x400m with 5 min rec. Your email address will not be published. Examples on how you can progress the training sessions during the specific period: Reducing the recovery: 50 min easy jog Specific period. Use short hills to build strength while you are building up your endurance. 4: 31000 at increasing speed per rep and per 400m rest 7+ 9 (3000m) In the last week before a competition you dont have the time to really improve any quality, so the goal is just to be well rested on the competition day. 8x150m sprints flat (1500m). This videos shows some good plyometric exercises you can incorporate in your training program. Laura Muir takes the 2022 CG 1,500 meters, photo by Scottish Athletics. 3x600m 12 min rec (95%-105% of race pace) 8x400m 90 sec rec. The person with stronger 400m abilities (Type 1) may elect to max their volume out closer to Week 10. As a general rule this should be your training paces: *Easy regeneration running (Slower than 50% of 800m pace) Repeat cycle with progression on intervals. Progresses to 8x150m with 2 min 30 sec rec ( long intervals, basic mileage, strength training, plyometrics), During the specific period some sessions from the fundamental and special period is kept, but with lower frequency. 5x1000m. Hills sprints act as the support and lays the groundwork for later speed training on flat surfaces (track training). For that reason, biomechanics of cycling has grown as a research field with many publications Your recoveries are the time of your rep. So that means if you are currently a 2.00 800m runner you should run at paces of percentage of you current 800m speed (15.00 sec per 100m) not by using paces for a 1.50 800m (13.75s) even if that is your long-term goal. The resistant type has a slower 400m pb and should focus more on their strengths, that is aerobic endurance and ability to run higher milage at lower intensity. Plyometric training: The weekly Long Run may fall into this category. 2x(400+300+400) rest=5+4+ and 8 (2200m) assessment into practice to help sport leaders plan athletic development across the life span or design detailed programs for a particular group, including those with physical and cognitive disabilities. 3: 10-1515-20 sec hill sprints + leg strength (400-800m pace) For the middle distance Renato Canova has mentioned that it might be more useful for the middle distance runner to run less steep hill and somewhat longer reps 15-20s, to be more spesific with the speed training. The training year is split into these periods: Regeneration period: (2 weeks) 8 min set rec. Day 3: 6 to 8 x 800m 3000m pace. Another speed session could involve short hills at high speed (not max) with lots of rest. All Rights Reserved. The average pace you hold in these workouts offers a good prediction of what you can do in a 1500m/Mile race. This is because a sudden increase in milage will greatly increase the risk of injuries. Heartbeats per Minute (BPM): Explore the concepts here. 2. 4. Become familiar with the importance of neuromuscular coordination development and plan it into your program all year. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise 2 min rest +general strength/core (3k pace) 4. Last 2-3 days before competition should always be easy training so that you are ready for your best performance. Now progression is from increasing volume at 95-105% of RP or reducing rest between intervals, but still running at 95-105% of RP. 50 min easy jog or rest We often measure it with a Flying 30 Sprint. The Type II runner will likely benefit during this period. 14: 50 min easy jog or rest Weight training is intense and important during this phase. Back off trying to develop your weakness at this point. Explosive leg strength: Usually what I see happen is that the coach that believes in the long distance approach for all types of middle distance runners, will attract the 800/1500m types. Hill sessions can get a longer and slower during this period. There is a helpful information on the website that addresses nutrition as well. An extra 4 miles at the end of a workout may fit the description as well. Progresses to 5x1000m 90 sec rec. This guide will be more practical. The problem is to sustain the race pace for a long time. The athlete should be winded aerobically, but not destroyed. 3600+2600+2600 rest= 3 and 6 or 3400+3300+3400 rest 2 and 4 + general strength/core (3k/1500m pace) 50 min easy jog If you still want to do this training as the faster type of 800m runner, do the tempo run shorter, but faster. Make sure easy days are EASY and hard days are HARD. So endurance training is becoming faster and getting closer towards race pace and speed training is becoming longer and somewhat slower and also getting closer to race pace. Try to diminish any weak points you have. 2. (3-5k pace), Medium length aerobic intervals: The benefits of being aware of your training paces in a training cycle is that you will cover all the paces for building both speed and endurance. Example a 800m runner should focus on paces ranging from 400m pace to 5-10k pace in their training. Those workouts can be Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with Tuesday and Thursdays as recovery runs (or Tempo runs*) and the Saturday long run. 1 min rec @85% of RP Weeks 17-19: Pre-meets, time trials, introduction to heavy anaerobic speed work. You may be a good athlete at a slow school. Training should begin with general training and become more spesific the closer you come to the race day. So you need to change gears often in your training to get the best progression and adaptation. Strength training Fun facts: I've been a part of 25+ Theater productions, speak 4.5 languages (find out what the 0.5 is), and have lived . Increase rest if the athlete is miserable. Specific training: 95-105% of RP Coach Greg Smith developed these programs based off his knowledge he has used over the past decade, that helped him produced4 Olympians, Commonwealth Youth Gold Medalist, ParaOlympian Silver Medalist, Commonwealth Games Bronze Medalist, Youth Olympian, and countless National & State Champions. rest= 2+3 and 5 (2700m) In addition, 800-m runners perform more strength, power and plyometric training than 1500-m runners. 2. To run a good 800m you need both speed and endurance. 2.Use different paces in your training program. Begin to master your pace without destroying yourself - technical proficiency. This person probably has ZERO interest in racing the 1500 meters. You can get about 3 HARD days per week, including race days. * Some tempo running which will help to increase the lactate . Thursday is time to start concentrating on competition day, with warm up and warm down rehearsals plus some strides. Easy to moderate continuous runs : 2. 12x100m sprints flat+leg strength (400m pace) Long intervals become faster with longer rec. The interval sessions (long, medium, short intervals) become faster and closer to race pace. The 800 and 1500m events are analyzed in detail to provide an understanding of what is required to race and win. Training Guideline 800m And 1500m Middledistancetraining File Type | . 2 min recovery. 3. Special period. You dont need to do much but include at least some flexibility, core strength and leg strength in your training program. Summary of the training in the different periods: Regeneration period: College: 28-45 miles per week, 38-47 weeks of the year. Special period: A Durham College Sport Management Advanced Diploma graduate, currently working as the Sales and Marketing Coordinator for TEAMLTD. 3800 at increasing speed per rep and per 400m rest 8+10 (3k-1500m pace) Two - you have to stay in touch with basic speed throughout the year meaning you need fairly regular workouts at 95% of 400m speed at the very least. One, the vo2 max training is more background work before the speed endurance / rep / lactic tolerance work (which will involve training at 1500m / 800m and 400m pace). The goal of these short uphill sprints is to recruit as many muscle fibres as possible, so you need to run it at a 95-100% intensity with good recoveries. To increase the volume of training gradually. I am a Masters Athlete and Coach currently based in London UK. They have maybe been a former long sprinter or long distance runner and believe that their type of training is the best and make all their athlete follow the same training regime regardless of the type of runner. Then more emphasis on this type of training is more fruitful. 3k pace Pure speed is not a problem for running a fast 800m. 1. It's based offGreg's theory and philosophy and for the first time, he's opening up an opportunity to dig deep into some of exercises, training parameters, and the type of environment he use to build champions. That's around 150m-800m repeats. Many of us love the 800m - precisely because - it is an event that highlights differing abilities and tactics. The plan is suitable for U19-U23 Male or Female athletes looking to bridge the gap to national competition level, or for Senior athletes with the opportunity for one session only daily.The plan has been used successfully to progress junior and senior athletes alike, as an example this plan was the template to progress a first year male U23 athlete from 1:56.7 to 1:52.6. Progresses to 3x400m with 4 min rec. General Prep . 7x600m 2 min recovery. 8x200m 2 min rec. When you're further away from the event, you do the short, sharper intervals, and then you . Seb ran 4 of the 5 paces all year, dropping only the 3km pace in winter. Lower volume of sets and reps and high weights. The intervals should be performed mostly in intensity zone 4-5. 2: 50 min easy jog 8. 16: 50 min easy jog. Endurance Training for the beginner - 800m, 1500m, 5k, 10k, walks Endurance Training The objective of this page is to provide some suggested programs for young or inexperienced athletes developing their technique and knowledge of the 800 metres, 1500 metres, 5 km, 10 km, walks and steeplechase events. (3k pace), Short aerobic intervals: Most of you interval training should be at a controlled pace, where you are running within your own limits. An improvement in pace should come from a naturally increase in shape, not from trying to run harder each repetition. A committed person will make their schedule work, find time for the weight room, and seek out a few training partners that can at least help them once a week. And you can never lose your endurance, even during the specific period if you want to run your best performance. 2 min rest. You have to understand the exercise physiology of the workouts, and where you are in the season. It is a great event! After this period, volumes are going down slightly and intensities are continuing to rise. training-guideline-800m-and-1500m-middledistancetraining-pdf 1/2 Downloaded from on January 16, 2023 by guest Training Guideline 800m And 1500m Middledistancetraining Pdf Thank you utterly much for downloading training guideline 800m and 1500m middledistancetraining pdf.Most likely you have knowledge that, If the athlete has a significant athletic background in other sports, he / she may be able to get to these volumes in their 1st season, but 45 miles can be a lot for some younger people to handle. During the base training the goal is not to try to run faster on the intervals. The 800m/1500m type will benefit more from lower intensity and more milage. Keep good all round strength for injury prevention and performace. Type I and Type III 800m runners will excel with a commitment to weight training and Drill work. May only run 2-3 times per week with some cross training. Coordination and drill work becomes important to ensure the athlete can run injury free at these paces. In 2008 she was ranked fourth in the world for the 1500m. Progresses to 3x500m with 5 min rec. I can mention that I have a bachelor in sports biology and also been training an athlete being stuck at 2.00 on the 800m for several years to running 1.57 after a few months of coaching. This person can win the 800m at the collegiate level. Universities run the Mile indoors, the 1500 outdoors; High schools run the 1600 and the 1500 - people often call the 1600 the "Mile," when it is a little short of the official distance. In order to maximize one's anaerobic capabilities they will need workouts to increase the capacity of their anaerobic energy system. I dont think bench press, bicepscurls and typical bodybuilder exercises has any positive influence on the 800m performance. Different jumping exercises is done for this purpose. Another benefit of hills is that risk of injury is very small and the strength training you get from running fast uphill seems to prevent injuries. 1:00 Rec between reps. 3 x 800m. Introductive period: This distance has been run at the Summer Olympics since the . 40 min easy 7: 5600 rest=4+5+6+7 (3000m) There are always exceptions, but my recommendations are based on my observations of thousands of runners, not the exception. On Sunday, she'll run the Aramco Houston Half-Marathon and will indeed try for sub-1:12 and her Trials qualifier. This is during the fundamental period. Iii 800m runners who have very little use or emphasis for traditional long runs Tempo running which will help increase! World for the 800m at the collegiate level on flat surfaces ( training... Good athlete at a slow school avoid all that training program for 800m and 1500m give you advice how! Will excel with a commitment to Weight training and become more spesific the closer you come to the period... 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training program for 800m and 1500m