clematis native to pennsylvania

Native to: Asia. Sun to part sun. Same cultural requirements as for Rudbeckia laciniata. August 17 - pond overview. Pennsylvania Department of Conservation & Natural Resources, For more information about native plants, you can contact the, Bureau of Facility Design and Construction, Conservation & Natural Resources Advisory Council. Deer resistant., Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius) - PART SUN, Deciduous, suckering shrub. Width: 10'. This easy-to-grow plant has large, ruffled, blue flowers that start to appear in early summer and continue throughout mid to late summer. Nice beside ponds or streams or in any area that stays fairly moist. Spread: to 3'. If you are unsure of the clematis species/cultivar that you have, observe its flowering habit over a growing season. A large, stately plant. Plant is taller than wide. Well-drained soil. Butterfly plant., Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnate) SUN, Also called Pink Milkweed. Resembles ageratum. Add organic mulch in spring. Deadhead after flowering for neater appearance. Moist, average soil. Male . Width: 18". Sun to part sun. Cut back hard in winter once every few years for fresh growth. Fruits are important for many birds such as wrens, mockingbirds, thrashers, waxwings, and woodpeckers, and small and large mammals. Width: 1'. Both need five or six hours of sunlight. Morning sun to bright shade. Combine with other Monarda species for color contrast. Height: 3-4'. Rich, moist soil. Provide nectar for pollinators in spring., Chokeberry (Prunus virginiana) - FULL SUN TO PART SHADE, Grows rapidly. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Clusters of yellow flowers in summer. Average soil. It is a tall plant, about 5-6 feet. This species is very nice in combination with Monarda media, or with the many yellow composite species which bloom at the same time. Transform your trellises, fences, and more with this stunning vine. Plant emerges late. For maximum flowering, the plant should receive five to six hours of sun daily. Flowers foul-smelling. If youre thinking about growing them, choosing the right variety for your area can be confusing. Height: 3-10". Coppery colored inflorescence in late summer and fall. Origin NZ Native; Winter Foliage Evergreen; Flower Colour ; Foliage Colour ; Clematis paniculata. Produces offsets which may be divided with a sharp knife after bloom., Tall Bellflower (Campanula amerciana) - PART SUN TO LIGHT SHADE, Annual or biennial. Height up to 30'. Climbing roses bloom from spring through fall, depending on the variety you choose. Good for naturalizing at the wood edge, in front of shrubs or in a low spot. Use in shade borders, woodland gardens and for naturalizing in low areas. Stems are brittle. Rain garden plant. You can also plant this vine in the ground but keep it watered regularly, so it doesnt dry out too quickly. Rain garden plant. Width: 2'. Rounded growth habit. Flowers light up shady areas. See Monarda clinopodia for cultural information. Woodland gardens. Part shade. Cut back in March. Blooms creamy white in flat-topped clusters in early to mid-summer. Height: 12-18". Self-sows, but not aggressively. Shadier rain garden plant. Average soil. Height and width: 1'. Bold, umbrella-like leaves shade single, 2" white flowers in spring. Be sure to water your Campsis radicans regularly throughout the growing season, but dont overwater it as this will cause root rot. May be cut back yearly when dormant. It is native to the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China. The Sweetbay Magnolia puts out this big cone. It is an herbaceous vine that can be cultivated in the temperate zone but requires warm temperatures and full sun exposure. Tiny, round, dark, shiny leaves. Rain garden plant. This pitiful plant is Dwarf Blazing Star (Liatris microcephala). Culture as for Helianthus decapetalus, above. In early spring, remove any dead stems. Height: 1-3'. It is one of the best types of clematis to grow. Average soil. Often found growing on slopes with Trout Lily in wild areas. Excellent groundcover, spreading about one foot per year. Shadier rain garden plant. Streaks or necrosis on leaves may indicate a virus. Star Jasmine is an evergreen vine that can grow up to 6 feet long. It may rapidly reach 15 to 30 feet high and wide. Leaves turn yellow in fall. Part sun. Divide every 3 years. Width: 1-2'. Height: 4-7'. View this plant in a garden Group: Late Mixed Height: 20-30 ft. (6-9 m) Spacing: 18-24 in. Flowers at a time when few other plants are in bloom. Scatter in a border, mass or use as an edger. Rich, moist soil. This is an aggressive species best used for naturalizing among shrubs or to grow over a strong pergola or along a fence. Stem sap may be mildly irritating. Flower stems die after bloom and seed set. Evergreen, woodland groundcover. Yellow flowers with many stamens in summer give blooms the look of little exploding fireworks. Sun. Height: 50'-75'. Best in groups. Clumping habit. The upper surface is hairless or nearly so, the lower variously hairy, especially along major veins. Height: 2-3'. Pinch plants in mid-May and again in early June for more compact growth and more flowers, or cut back by half in June. Rain garden plant. Deer resistant., Starry Campion (Silene stellate) PART SHADE. Also called False Sunflower. Rain garden plant., Rosebay (Rhododendron maximum) - MORNING SUN, DAPPLED LIGHT, PART SHADE. Regular Joe Pye Weed can grow up to six or seven feet tall, which is too much for my garden. Very aggressive and so is best used for naturalizing in woods, on stream banks, in meadows and fields. Blooms maroon in spring. Height: 6-12". Excellent wildlife plant., Shrub. Moist, well-drained, moderately fertile soil. This initial training will maximize flowering and encourage the development of a healthy plant in the future. Height: 3-6". August 3 - the dwarf Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium purpureum 'Little Joe') is starting to bloom. Sun to part sun. Cookies, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Gelsemium sempervirens (Carolina Jessamine), Lonicera sempervirens (Trumpet Honeysuckle), Passiflora incarnata (Wild Passion Flower), Great Plant Combination Ideas (Do not compost.) Nice to scatter in a woodland garden, especially around plants that emerge later such as ferns. Height: 12-28". Height: 2-4'. Slowly forms colonies. Forms clumps. For all 3 groups, a harder pruning in the first 2 years can help encourage a more shrub-like, multi-stemmed plant. Deadhead to prevent. More non-native plants are introduced every year. Bowman's Root is a nice companion. The soil should be slightly moist when planting this vine but not saturated. (Do not compost.). A bouquet with Joe Pye Weed, Black-eyed Susan, Helianthus (the lemon yellow one, pictured later - just starting to bloom now), Garden Phlox, Red Lobelia, Purple Coneflower, a litle piece of Trumpet Honeysuckle on the right, and Blue Mistflower (also pictured later, just starting to bloom here). Height: 2-3'. Daisy-like yellow flowers with squared-off edges bloom on stout stems in late summer. Good fall nectar source and food plant for butterfly larva. Part shade. Crooked-Stem Aster (Symphotrichum prenanthoides) - PART SHADE, Pale violet, 1-2" wide flowers in fall. A filler plant for the woodland garden, open woods or wood edge. Chinese/Oriental Clematis (Clematis orientalis L.) Eradication of all live plants is required throughout the entirety of all Colorado counties. Distinctive, peeling, gray bark. Average soil. Height: 14-20". Cultural considerations include light, soil, water, mulch, fertilization and structural support. Clematis Ligusticifolia (Western White Clematis). Click on the green bars below to see the many plants that are native to our area. Examples of this group are: Clematis florida and its cultivars, C. 'Nelly Moser', C. 'Niobe', C. 'The President'. Deadhead to prevent. Part sun to full shade. Deer resistant. Deadhead to prevent. Butterfly plant. Produces masses of fragrant white flowers in late summer. Some species bloom in spring; others, in mid-to late summer. Moist, average soil. Before you plant the clematis, amend the soil by working in compost and granular organic fertilizer. Height and width: 10-16". Moist, average soil. Moist, rich soil. Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica) is another plant that likes moist soil. Add generous amounts of sand and humus to soil when planting. Transplant only in spring. An option for dry shade. To propagate by seed, the seeds should be planted in early spring after the first frost date in the area where they are to be planted. Whorled leaves. Moist, but very well-drained, near neutral-soil. Mulch with pine straw or other light material in winter, but pull back early in spring to prevent rot. Blooms pink to lavender in summer on stiff stems. Moist, fertile soil. Shadier rain garden plant., White Beardtongue (Penstemon digitalis) - SUN TO LIGHT SHADE. Sun to part sun. Dust soil occasionally with horticultural lime. Self-sows. Height: 4-7'. Goldenrods play important roles in native ecosystems, stabilizing soil on hillsides and banks, providing excellent nectar sources as well as food and shelter for wildlife. Rain garden plant. Rain garden plant., Christmas Fern (Polystichum acrostichoides) - PART SHADE, Dark, leathery, evergreen fronds. Featuring rich, extra large blooms. Hummingbird plant. height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. Will grow in shallow water, but requires very moist soil at least in winter and spring. Sun to shade; moderately wet to medium moisture level; prefers rich soil but will grow on coarse sands and gravels to fine silt loams, heavy silts, silty clay loams, stiff clays and peats; prefers slightly acid to neutral pH but tolerates alkaline pH. Star Jasmine is an easy vine to grow if you have the right conditions. Water regularly in summer. Sun to part sun. Excellent background plant for shade gardens behind ferns and groundcovers. Larval host for Red-spotted Purple and Viceroy butterflies. Big Bluestem(Andropogon gerardii) - SUN -Also called Turkeyfoot, Clump-forming, stronglyvertical grass. Stems from the prior growing season produce the heaviest flush of flowers in late spring, followed by a lighter bloom in late summer on new wood. Things are slowing down, but there will be a few new flowers still to come in September. Hummingbird and butterfly plant. Butterfly and wildlife plant. Moist, rich soil., Squirrel Corn (Dicentra Canadensis) PART SHADE, Spring ephemeral. Rain garden plant., Red Maple (Acer rubrum) - FULL SUN TO PART SHADE, Fast-growing tree. Rain garden plant. The word 'clematis' comes from the Greek for 'vine shoot' on account of its climbing habit. Deer resistant., New England Aster (Symphotrichum novae-angliae) PART SUN, Showy clusters of 1-2" wide, violet-purple to pink flowers with orange centers in fall. Paired leaves pierced by the stem. Rain garden plant. Nice for naturalizing in combination with White Wood Aster or Blue, Heart-leaved Aster. Plant shorter species in front to hide. Sun to part sun. Provides cover and cavities for birds such as Screech Owl, Pileated Woodpecker, and Northern Flicker. Pubens) - PART SUN, Deciduous, fast-growing, suckering shrub. Accept Dramatic at the back of a border or among tall grasses in a wild garden or meadow. Width: to 16". Water during drought. May be short-lived but self-sows. Red fruits on vigorous individuals in late summer. Takes up to two seasons to develop into a large plant. Trumpet honeysuckle can be grown in USDA zones 7 through 10, where it prefers full sun exposure and well-drained soil. Use for vertical accent or anchor plant in large borders, or for screening or naturalizing in moist meadows or near ponds or streams. Zones 5-9, sun/part sun, 8' tall x 4' wide at maturity. Berries attract birds. Besides looking stupid, if you keep cutting off the new growth, you won't get the cones. Our native plants of Pennsylvania guide offers many suggestions for adding native plants in your home landscaping. Nectar plant for bumblebees. Part shade, especially under deciduous trees. Mark locations as plants break dormancy late. By taking the time to give clematis a good head start, providing it with proper growing conditions and knowing when to prune, you can enjoy the queen of the vines" in your home landscape for many years. Height: 2-4'. Height and width: 3-6'. Starting in early spring, fertilize with a balanced organic fertilizer per the manufacturer's recommendations. Width: 12". Most likely, the plant will flower at a different time than normal. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, Growing an Organic Garden - The Fundamentals, A Guide to Preserving Trees in Development Projects, Penn State Extension Master Gardener Manual, Growing Gardeners: Plant Parts Tops, Bottoms, and Middles, Season Extenders and Growing Fall Vegetables. Move only in early spring. Width: to 12". Fragrant, 2", rose-purple blooms in summer followed by edible, red fruits. Dense stands provide cover and food for birds and other wildlife. Butterfly plant., Carolina Rose (Rosa carolina) - SUN TO PART SUN, Deciduous shrub. Clusters of greenish-white bells with flared edges in spring. This species can cover young trees and bushes, weighing them down and damaging them, as well as smothering and out-competing other vegetation. Deer resistant., Common Elderberry (Sambuca candensis) - PART SUN, Deciduous, fast-growing, suckering shrub. Sweet Autumn Virginsbower is the USDA "national common name." According to the Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council it can be weedy or invasive, and that is also my personal observation. Moist to wet, rich soil. Mulch yearly with acidic, organic material. I'm not sure what eats it, but I bet something does. Height: 3-6'. Average soil. Mass for a groundcover in shade, or plant among spring ephemerals to cover bare spots. Here is the Perennial Sunflower (Helianthus 'Lemon Queen'). Add a little balanced, organic fertilizer when planting. Difficult to confine to neat clumps due to wide-ranging rhizomes, so best used for naturalizing. US Wildflower's Database of Red Wildflowers for Pennsylvania. Shrubby St. Johns-Wort (Hypericum prolificum) - PART SHADE, Deciduous shrub. Nice with ornamental grasses, other coneflowers, Blazing Star, ironweeds or Culver's Root in a meadow or wild garden. Easier to grow than Cardinal Flower. Third, they support wildlife, providing shelter and food for native birds and insects, while exotic plants do not. Remove dead stems when dormant. Aphids may be a problem. Medium to moist, average soil. Nice with large stands of Virginia Bluebells or Wood Poppies on a floodplain. Once the plants are established they will require little else. Part sun. Cut back to basal foliage for neat appearance. Height: 4-12". There are many field guides to wildflowers that can get you started. Height: 3-10'. Bloom time: July, Aug, Sept. Clematis virginiana, Virgin's Bower, Wholesale Native Perennial Plant Plugs, Native Wildflowers, Native Pollinator Support Plants, Organically Grown. They are wetland plants, so I'm not sure how well this one would do in a long dry spell. Good drainage. Height: 5-10'. Provides food and shelter for birds and small mammals., Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis) - FULL TO PART SUN, Also called Sugarberry. Deer resistant. Emerging foliage deep, smoke-purple followed by greenish-yellow or purplish flowers where leaflets join stems in spring. Climbing roses can be grown as annuals or perennials, depending on whether you want to have blooms every year or not. Also good at the back of a border. Thimbleweed is a good companion plant as it can compete. They depend on native plants and the insects that have co-evolved with them. That is 37 percent of Pennsylvanias total wild plant flora. Similar in leaf to Sambucus canadensis, but blooms earlier in spring and produces bright red fruits in early summer. Its flowers are said to look like turtles' heads, if you look at them sideways. Passiflora incarnata blooms from spring through summer, but most growth occurs after the first frost in fall. Width: 12-16". All Rights Reserved. Mucky to wet soil, at least in spring. Dust soil occasionally with horticultural lime. NVS maintains a standard set of species code abbreviations that correspond to standard scientific plant names from the Ng Tipu o Aotearoa - New Zealand Plants database. Part sun. Mix plenty of well-moistened sphagnum peat, compost and pine needles into planting soil. Lonicera sempervirens is a deciduous vine, with a spreading habit, with large leaves and trumpet-shaped flowers. Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) blooms from May through July and produces fruit after it flowers. 6. Deer resistant., Canada Violet (Viola canadensis) - PART SHADE, White blooms tinged purple with yellow centers throughout spring and well into summer. Cut back when foliage declines. The flowers are usually red, orange, or yellow and are usually fragrant. Easy. Lovely at wood edge, near a stream or in a rock garden., Early Meadow Rue (Thalictrum dioicum) - PART SHADE, Tassel-like, yellow-g reen blooms in spring. , Black Cherry (Prunus serotina) - FULL SUN TO PART SUN, Rapid growth up to 50 - 80' tall and 30' - 60' wide. Climbing roses and clematis are perfect companions. A nice companion to yellow-blooming meadow species and other blue-purple late bloomers such as Joe-Pye-Weed and ironweeds. Deciduous, suckering shrub/small tree. Tough and adaptable. The plant requires full sun and well-drained soil for best results, but it does not tolerate heavy clay soils very well. Width: 2'. Sun to part sun. This article will give you an overview of flowering vines that grow best in Pennsylvania to help you choose the right one for your garden. Lily-of-the-valley-like foliage dies back in June and is followed by small, roundish heads of white bells on leafless, 6-18" stalks. Dust soil occasionally with horticultural lime. Use in borders, moist meadows or open woods. Will tolerate drier soils than the other Monardas. Part shade, especially in the afternoon. While it can be beautiful, Japanese clematis is a vigorous grower in full sun or partial shade and requires active maintenance to control. Seed heads are clusters of silky hairs, attractive into fall. Various cultivars of clematis. Height: 1-3'. The wetter the soil throughout the season, the more sun the plants will tolerate. Width: 1'. Each flower produces numerous feathery long-tailed seed heads fruits which are conspicuous all winter. Evergreen ferns are good companion plants since Mayapple goes dormant in late summer. Part shade to shade. If you provide us with your name, email address and the payment of a modest $25 annual membership fee, you will become a full member, enabling you to design and save up to 25 of your garden design ideas. Apply several inches of mulch around the base of the plant to keep the roots cool and moist. We use cookies on this website, you can read about them here. Shadier rain garden plant. Part shade. Height: 2-3'. Shear after flowering for neat appearance. Moist, rich soil. Clematis ligusticifolia, known as Western clematis given that it is found up and down the western United States, is a vigorous climber adaptable to a diverse set of conditions. Inconspicuous blooms in early spring. Width: 3'. Height and width: 12-16". Rain garden plant. Protect from harsh frost and wind. Spires of dainty, white blooms in spring. Clematis viorna, leather flower or vasevine, is a vine native to the Southeastern United States. Well-drained, average, even rocky soil. This is the most deer resistant trillium species., Trumpet Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) - PART SUN OR SUN, Deciduous vine. Morning sun to bright shade. Choose planting site carefully as it is difficult to divide. Deer resistant. Ditto for Hemlocks. The Swamp Milkweed is definitely done blooming for the season now, because these are its seed pods starting to form. Relatively simple to grow., Shagbark Hickory (Carya ovata) - FULL TO PART SUN, Medium to large tree. Part shade. Low Maintenance: Native plant species require less maintenance such as water and soil amendments. They'll turn brown and open to disperse seeds into the air. Large clematis flowers can be as huge as 10" (25 cm) across and be shades of purple, red, pink, and white. Passiflora incarnata is a vine that grows as a perennial and may grow up to 20 feet long. Hummingbird and butterfly plant. Stiff and straight. Deer resistant. It is quite similar to sweet-autumn clematis ( C. terniflora ); I can only tell them apart by looking at the foliage (the non-native species has smooth leaf margins). Also nice as an accent plant or as a step-down layer between shrubs and shorter plants. Plant in spring and shear back after seeding. Part shade to shade. Height and width: 10-16". Native Plants for a Shady, Dry Site (PDF), Native Plants for a Shady, Moist Site (PDF), Native Plants for a Sunny, Dry Site (PDF), Native Plants for a Sunny, Moist Site (PDF). Foliage will remain attractive into October with enough moisture. Deer resistant. First, conserve existing native vegetation and plant communities. 5. Width: 1'. Remove badly infected plants and discard. Transplant with care in early spring. Individuals short-lived, but plant self-sows freely. They are aggressive growers and can often survive and reproduce under adverse conditions, essentially pushing native plants out of the growing space. Then let the plant do its thing for the growing season. Easily transplanted. Wild Geranium (Geranium maculatum) - PART SHADE. Clumping habit. Sun. Blends well with other tall species. The National Vegetation Survey (NVS) Databank is a physical archive and electronic databank containing records of over 94,000 vegetation survey plots - including data from over 19,000 permanent plots. Sun to part sun. Well-drained, average soil. The native species is more vigorous and disease resistant than the cultivars. In a garden, deadhead most but not all flower heads, or allow them to remain up through winter for the birds and pull out unwanted plants in spring. Best in an informal woodland garden or in shade near ponds or streams. . Attractive, silver-gray waterspotting on emerging, maple-like leaves, fading as foliage expands. When deadheading, 12 to 18 inches of stem can be cut back. Evergreen foliage. Height: 3-6'. Cut back and they will recover for next spring. Clematis is a woody vine that generally prefers sunny locations with light, well-drained soils having average moisture and cool temperatures. Use in borders, open woods, meadows or on slopes. Cut back to 1' in winter for lower, rounded growth, pruning to one or two trunks and removing dead twigs, or allow to die back naturally for a rougher, more natural appearance. Height: 8-15'. Naturally grows on banks or steep slopes, often with trillium and violet species, or on mossy logs. Nice with other tall, late-blooming moisture lovers such as New England Aster and New York Ironweed. Evergreen, slow-spreading groundcover. The federal government has estimated that nearly 25 percent of the 20,000 plant species native to North America are at risk of extinction, many of these through habitat loss. Most retail nurseries and mail-order catalogs now offer native plants. Height: 3-4'. Rain garden plant. Moist, fertile soil. Nice in a rock garden or in an open woodland garden, Maple-Leaved Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum canadense) PART SHADE, Violet, bell-like flowers in clusters held above leaves on stiff stalks in spring. Height: 1-2'. Clematis napaulensis (scientific name: Clematis napaulensis) is a vining dwarf herb native to Nepal, in the family Ranunculaceae. Appears as a tuft of grass. Cut back by half in June to control height and promote bushiness. Foliage interesting as stem appears to pierce leaves. Water very regularly throughout the first season. Width: to 2'. Just after bloom, leaves turn yellow and plants go dormant. Blue False Indigo (Baptisia australis) - SUN TO PART SUN. An erect species. Edible nuts and gold leaves in fall. Part sun. USDA Zone: 4-8. Width: 1'. Moist, fertile soil. Shadier rain garden plant. Height: 3-5". It is found on the Pacific coast of North America, from the San Francisco Bay Area southwards into Baja California. Additionally, 1,300 non-native species exist throughout the state. Clematis ligusticifolia can be grown as an annual or perennial, depending on the region where you live. Clematis are called the queen of the vines," and rightfully so. Provides food for birds and small mammals. Incorporate plenty of well-moistened sphagnum peat into planting soil and mulch with pine needles. Flower colors include pinks, purples, blues . Deer resistant., Tall Sunflower (Helianthus giganteus) - SUN TO PART SUN. Sun - Full sun on the leaves, but Clematis roots prefer to be cool so shade them with other plants, mulch, stones, etc. Width: 2'. Shadier rain garden plant. Instead, you should opt for Pennsylvania native plants for your yard, garden, and flower beds. They need less fertilizers, pesticides or use less water. , Lowbush Blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) - SUN TO BRIGHT SHADE, Deciduous shrub. The seeds should be planted at least six inches apart from each other, but not too deep, because they can easily rot if they get too wet when they sprout. The use of Map Photo Gallery - / Synonyms Specimens and Distribution This species has been reported in the following counties by the herbaria listed.

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clematis native to pennsylvania